I absolutely respect your frustration and where you're coming from, but I'm not convinced that deceiving interviewers using AI is a good avenue forward. For one thing, a tool like this would be very appealing to an "Ivy League grad who barely got any experience" (to use your words) with disposable income, probably more than it would to an experienced programmer. If your argument is that inexperienced programmers do _better_ than experienced ones in coding interviews, I think data to back that up would be very helpful. And (to a lesser extent) if the company _really_ only evaluates you based on your ability to invert a tree, then you may not want to work there anyway because of the quality of engineers they hire.
Anyway, the product looks very well designed! I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
It looks nice! The homepage did take >10 seconds to load, and the "get started" button is completely white for me unless hovering, probably a minor CSS bug. The main diagramming tool has a clean and professional look to it, but pretty much every action from dragging a box around to adding a new box has ~1s delay for me, which seems strange. Also I might make the menu on the left a little bigger, I'm on a monitor and I nearly missed it. Without the latency issue, seems like it could be handy though!
Anyway, the product looks very well designed! I'm curious to hear your thoughts.