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Location: Vancouver Remote : yes Willing to relocate: Yes Tech: node, JS, react, NextJS, Interest domains: filmmaking, motion pictures, I currently work as a grip in the Vancouver film industry and would love to combine my programming skills and love for film where the equilibrium meets.

Email: hello@mattrichmond.ca

I think the OP is making a point that we should resources as The Internet Archive as services that are in the best interest of the public.

Ah, okay, that makes more sense. Yeah, theyre right about that. Thanks!

Not take from the beauty of these trees, but this time of the year is always my favourite time in Vancouver for the sheer amount of colour and pop that the city gets. Sometimes only for a few weeks only to be gone in the first storm and other times lingering for up to a month of beauty. Nature is fantastic.

I’ve always thought tobacco companies had some influence on Netflix’s programming. The scenes where smoking is involved are usually set up so the whole ritual is seen (take the pack out, maybe tap it, pull it out, light and take your first big inhale with all the sounds and smells that come with it). That’s the ritual that many smokers know and has for sure influenced my cravings when I was trying to quit smoking a few years ago.

I bet you havent't seen the guns in the movies. /s

AI ownership most likely. Preventing LLMs from using it’s code in an output and not putting it in the ‘safe to spew’ bucket.

This tool has been like this for years even before LLM was popular.

Not everything is about LLMs.

Ah, another factorio fan I see.

Got me there...

They don’t save money when you have to ask it multiple times to get the expected output.

What IRC Channels do you frequent?

Largely some old channels from the 90s/00s that really only exist as vestiges of their former selves - not really related to their original purpose, just rooms for hanging out with friends made there back when they had a point besides being a group chat.

How can you hate a technology with a passion? Sure, EVs provide some issues today but genuinely curious how someone with any hint of intellectual curiosity can ‘hate’ a technology.

Perhaps the hate the culture or the messaging around the technology right now, but ‘hating EVs with a passion’ seems weird.

No. It’s probably the last place on the internet where respectful discussion happens in the open like it does.

Whereas I felt the opposite the of Reddit. I cut out Reddit completely during that last debacle and I would say my life is better for sure.

Yeah, Reddit at times does seem like some bizarre group think type of thing in terms of how comments are downvoted or upvoted. Coming from Reddit, in Hackernews it seems people are more accepting of controversial ideas.

If votes were visible, and everyone was allowed to downvote, Hacker News would indeed probably be a lot worse

This seems to have gotten much worse in recent weeks and I don’t understand why.

On a wide array of subs, spanning many topics. Moderators seem to be very quick suddenly to quash decenting opinions.

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