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Should be possible for saskatchewan to do the same then. No reason BC can't either since they've got the rockies, and an ocean.

Ocean is not a win. It means large sea ports and hence an influx of new rats.

It's not the 18th century where rats traveled along guy ropes on to shore. Rats will travel in containers, but that's a problem for where the containers are opened as much as it is for the ports.

Rats still very much travel along mooring lines to and from ships.

If you go look at any modern port you will see that the ships have large discs on any line going to shore.

That disc is an anti rat measure. At least one ship I worked on got rats, and we had to deal with them before we left port. Other ships certainly wouldn’t go through the effort.

For sure. In my experience there are two places I can go in Victoria and be guaranteed to find rats—one is the harbour.

They say in Vancouver you're never more than 20 feet from a rat, anywhere you go. Probably true throughout most PNW cities.

I believe, as the parent comment alluded to, the rat patrol has established a substantial beachhead into SK. The front lines are now outside the province and pushing east.

I've wondered about BC though - outside the density of the lower mainland anyways.

No one else's responsibility, but if people care (and there's obviously a number that do), then it becomes your responsibility if you want to see it still exist.

Having volunteered for a small not-for profit for nearly a decade now, there's definitely a whole lot of people that just want something with no desire to give back to that community. You really do get what you put in though.

> but if people care (and there's obviously a number that do), then it becomes your responsibility if you want to see it still exist

Allen's decision was to require those people who care to pony up millions of their own dollars to acquire his personal collection, and keep it running. I'm glad you volunteer your time, but that's a whole other magnitude than purchasing and running a multi-million-dollar business. It's not reasonable to expect volunteers to spring up from nowhere and perform that kind of labor.

Female mosquitoes bite to produce eggs, male mosquitoes feed on nectar and pollinate plants. Some orchids can only be pollinated by mosquitoes.

So no one misunderstands, there are over 3000 species of mosquitos, but most biting species of mosquitos only go after birds/amphibians.

Only a small number of species (single digit percentage) go after mammals. And even less than have been found to be vectors for disease.

The basic point is that yes, we can wipe out selected mosquito species via eradication programs (like sterile mate release) with zero consequence outside of healthier people, because human hazardous mosquitos aren’t unique to the ecological niche they fill.

better than sterile male we could release fertile ones genetically modified to only have male offspring that in turn only have male offspring inside handful of generations there are no female mosquitos left.


Oh that’s interesting, thanks.

Fair trade.

Most people aren't calling for towers all around, but mixed development instead of single family housing.

> Now imagine what it's like to build a huge factory. It is nearly impossible to get permission, and inspections, endangered wildlife concerns, waste removal, etc. handled in under 5-10 years.

This explains why the Tesla gigafactory in Nevada (announced in Sept 2014) still isn't operational...

Didn't Dostoevsky spend time in Siberia, and basically just miss being executed for offending the Czar?

Tiger Woods.

I think it was mostly because he was such a self-assured prick though, and so it was easy to pile on.

I don't think he was cancelled so much as a laughingstock after his 2009 Thanksgiving car crash. That sent the value of the "I am Tiger Woods" marketing to zero. https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2017/11/24/tiger-woods-car-...

Don't forget, there was also reckless driving involved there and a ton of bad press. The only fallout was losing a few of his many endorsement deals. He kept his videogame. He kept golfing. "Facing appropriate consequences for your actions" is not being cancelled.

He had 14 Majors, and was well on his way to passing Jack Nicklaus. He'll never pass him now.

Him falling off his game is on him. Or are you really implying some entity "cancelled" Tiger Woods' golfing skills or there was some conspiracy to prevent Tiger from winning because he cheated on his wife?

He took a bunch of time off because of public pressure. Was never the same.

I don't think Tiger sees it this way after he took a few months off.

But, it is clear that the inability for people to take responsibility for their actions and instead blame some bogeyman like "cancel culture" is a big problem. Enablers and others who make excuses for them are part of the problem too.

Can you actually now? Or is Chromium still webkit under the hood because Apple?

In America, paying lawyers always seems like it's a step in the "right" direction

Yes, having more rights is better than having fewer rights. Perfect versus good.

So the real title of the article was "Argentinian Farmer Finds Family of 20k-Year-Old Car-Sized Armadillos Purple Monkey Dishwasher"

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