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I have lost too many hours of my life to this game, before finally moving on to Factorio. But then, the creator of Mindustry seems to have lost too many hours of their life to the Android Gradle plugin:


We’ve all had moments like that

wow i am feeling the same way currently..

I feel the same. I have "only" about 15 years worth of mail in Thunderbird but I am getting increasingly tired of working with the GUI, at least for reading and searching historical mail.

One of these days I will convert my mbox mail to Maildir and try out notmuch.

I switched to alpine (https://alpineapp.email/) after 20 years of thunderbird. Converting 20 years of archived thunderbird emails took a couple of minutes with a script I found somewhere, so now everything rests securely in the Maildir format.

I am quicker, happier and more efficient with TUI email than ever before, and as a bonus, the memory and CPU footprint is too small to see.

What is important though is to keep in mind that I am not a power user. At most I might get 200 emails per day or so, but for that work loads everything works brilliantly.

I have automated rules, shortcuts, I can define my own keys, I can even rewrite the source for smaller things if I want.

I recommend everyone to invest a day or two just to see if it is for you.

    Notice: Virtual Distributed Ethernet is not related in any way with
    www.vde.com ("Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik"
    i.e. the German "Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information 
I wonder how many times that came up, that they had to put it in the README.

In Germany, very often. VDE is like ANSI or IEEE there.

If you ever work on anything electrical in Germany, you see the acronym VDE everywhere on standards etc.

And in the rest of the world, screwdrivers.

Why is it that we all use VDE ratings for high voltage insulated screwdrivers, but (as far as I'm aware/can think of) nothing else?!

I suppose DIN is similar: to most people it's just the rail. (Not to mention I wouldn't be surprised if the common one is just one of many DIN rail specifications or size variants.)

> I suppose DIN is similar: to most people it's just the rail.

Or the paper sizes, if you're not American.

Actually I had no idea the A sizes were DIN476, fwiw. (I'm British, we do use them.)


That is because `curl` is an alias for the builtin Invoke-WebRequest and not the actual curl program.


It was at one point, but they took it out because it was stupid.

Well that's just plain stupid

It is not in the stdlib, but you can use golines for that.


I disagree. I have been using Matrix with Element as my main IM with my own homeserver for 3 years now, and the onboarding experience is just bad. You have to read so many texts which are spread across so many pages just to get stuff to work and even then sometimes it just won't.

Sure, the author could have prevented some of their problems by reading the documentation, but Matrix is trying to become a solution everyone can use. And noone wants to read a manifest only to send some messages.

Honestly, on this I totally agree - hosting your own Element/Matrix instance is really unnecessarily painful, with the documentation all over the place. But hey, it's free and open-source.

But as as user, if you're even a little technical, downloading Element, registering and messaging your friends is really not the difficult bit.

You have changed the code snippets in your link.

The original link highlighted this snippet:

  Future<void> insertEmbedding(EmbeddingProto embedding) async {
      final db = await _database;
      await db.writeTransaction((tx) async {
        await tx.execute('INSERT INTO $tableName ($columnEmbedding) values(?)',
Now highlighted:

  Future<void> insertMultipleEmbeddings(List<EmbeddingProto> embeddings) async {
    final db = await _database;
    final inputs = embeddings.map((e) => [e.writeToBuffer()]).toList();
    await db.executeBatch(
        'INSERT INTO $tableName ($columnEmbedding) values(?)', inputs);
Did you post the wrong link the first time and corrected your mistake? Or did you change the snippet because @electroly was right about the code being inefficient?

The code was always calling the latter[1], I had pasted the incorrect link.

[1]: https://github.com/ente-io/edge-db-benchmarks/blob/43273607d...

Thank you for pointing that out! It does make more sense, too. :)

This would also be a great prompt for a short horror story where someone discovers more people have been living in their house than they believed.

I used the Tex keycaps for a keyboard I built about three years ago. After three years of daily usage I have noticed a lot of wear on the keycaps. Some letters are barely visible, and some of the caps have gotten really shiny, i.e. they have lost their surface structure.

Have you noticed something similar? Other than that they feel really nice and I like them a lot.

The Shura uses double-shot keycaps, where the legends are a different colored plastic whereas earlier TEX models used UV printed or laser etched keycaps.

TEX’s older method is common to a lot of keyboard manufacturers and is prone to wear like you’ve seen. By contrast double-shot keys will get shiny, but their legends will always be legible no matter how many years they’re used.

Those keycaps are doubleshot ABS, though, and ABS is widely considered to be an inferior material compared to PBT. At that price, you would expect the latter.

For cheaper keycaps that come with an office or "gaming" keyboard, sure, but not for higher end ones. PBT doesn't shine after a lot of usage like ABS, true, but high end ABS keycap colors and the sharpness of double-shot legends still tend to be better than PBT (e.g., GMK). Sound and texture is quite variable too, so it's really just a matter of preference. I've used nice PBT keycaps but tend to prefer how nice ABS feels and sounds better.

I’m not too surprised because PBT as a material is harder to work with. It’s more prone to shrinkage and large caps like the spacebar are prone to warping, and this compounds if you try to do doubleshot PBT.

Most of the affordable PBT caps I’ve seen have been dyesub (which can be very durable if done well) or PBT-ABS blend doubleshot.

Yeah, dyesub can be super durable. For the past few years I've rotated between several keyboards as daily drivers. All with dyesub PBT keycaps that retailed in the $30-$40 range.

Zero issues with the dyesub labels.

I generally prefer them to doubleshot PBT, because dyesub labels tend to be much crisper than doubleshot labels. Though, of course, you can find ultra-crisp doubleshot labels or fuzzy dyesub labels.


By any objective measure PBT is the winner in all regards.

Thank you for the explanation.

Maybe EDRi, which also acts as an umbrella for smaller and local orgs.


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