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Keep in mind, that contract was signed way back in 2000 and things were pretty different back then. I also believe it was signed by a primarily conservative LPEA board.

Exactly. There was a very similar discussion on here a little while ago about electric cars. For me, all I want is a simple smart watch that has great battery life, navigation with maps, and high GPS accuracy. Everything else I don't care about. The Garmin Fenix fits that bill, along with 500 other features for everyone else with their simple lists.

My initial thought on the timing is how much it coincides with the timing of Twitter's API becoming ridiculously expensive ($42k/mo). That maybe Reddit thought they could hop on that bandwagon and make some coin. But LLM also makes a ton of sense.

LLM does not make much sense anymore to be fair. Too late. They should have closed the APIs years ago.

Biggest parties have already mined the data, which is enough for models for long time.

Unless you want the model to find some specific comment yesterday.

I'm not sure this is true in all cases. As far as grabbing enough language data to produce useful language, it's probably enough for awhile until cultural and language shifts happen (slang, word usage distribution, new terms, etc.).

The cases LLM will need this data in is compiling together more modern useful human knowledge as our knowledge base grows. Information in existing LLMs could shift. This is sort of the issue even academic textbooks deal with when publishing what is considered foundational knowledge: sometimes we discover something new that makes it either not quite correct or invalid.

These are the sort of obvious failures and disconnects that should become apparent if training lags behind. LLM services interested in revenue without plans for continuously updating training data are somewhat betting that not too much will change from most end users perspectives for awhile and for some use cases that might be true but the limits of training data over time for public instances of GPT for example have already hindered some.

Much of prompting, from my anecdata, needs to take that into consideration as one of the base constraints (does this model even have up-to-date information it could query and dump something useful from). To some degree those training limits also help expose "hallucinations" or interpolation/extrapolation attempts of LLM models. If I know it doesn't have this information in the training set and test the system against it, I can observe how well it interpolates, extrapolates, and is transparent about when that's happening. For example if I ask existing models about new syntaxes and structures introduced in Java 21, most should return something back like it doesn't exist, it lacks that newer information, or something to that effect. If instead it starts producing code samples that it couldn't possibly have knowledge of, then I know it's passing back garbage. If it's being continually updated at some frequency, I'm no longer so sure and it may actually be providing new useful information.

Reddit is good for product recommendations and in that regards recency matters e.g ask ChatGPT what ODE you should get for a Sega Saturn.

By allowing LLMs low cost or free access to their users data companies like Reddit are essentially helping companies like OpenAI choke their traffic.

Over time as people realise it’s quicker to ask ChatGPT a question than it is to post a question on reddit they will start losing content also.

Also think about the difficulty of policing content generated by swarms of LLM bots with API access for PR campaigns.

At which point you need API access, and the crawled indexes are not enough enough? Is Google also required to start paying for API access for indexing pages and showing them in the search results?

I am just wondering, where is the limit, since in that case the model might not be trained anymore and instead it is used for similar purpose than search engine. I guess Bing is already doing this, without Reddit API.


For price and ease of install sure I would agree.

I just asked Chat GPT this very question and it didn't mention the Fenrir. It mentioned the other contender (MODE) but it failed to differentiate it from all the other offerings i.e it has the ability to connect a SATA SSD and hold the entire Sega Saturn library on the device.

How many of those biggest parties do you expect to give/sell the data to new players if it'd even be legal for them to do so. Closing the gates can still provide a revenue stream for Reddit, especially if they do it early enough into the hype cycle.

It makes sense to me, but for LLM spam bots, not training. I’m assuming it’ll only increase as time passes.

I don't understand what they're insinuating with the phrase "those who chose to 'learn to code'"?

'learn to code' was a refrain during the incredibly hot dev market of the past couple of years.

Hell, I'd have every plumber and electrician that came to work on my house ask which programming language they should learn. It was viral.

I interpreted it as "those who chose to learn to code in the last 12 months" are in a grim tech-recruiting scenario.

I used to live somewhere where there was a grocery store that was positioned between a lower socioeconomic community and a higher one. It mostly served the lower one, but stocked specialty goods (think organic). I used to hit the dumpster every day after work, and found lots of good stuff in there. I too found a couple gallons of olive oil once. At one point my girlfriend and I went all February living off of nothing but dumpster dived food (except I think we bought some almond milk) and I remember eating fine (this was a year out of college so fine is relative). The takeaway I had was that there is all kinds of food that gets thrown out which is perfectly fine to eat. I never ate disgusting rotting food like one would picture coming out of a dumpster - everything was packaged and pretty much equivalent to what you'd take off the shelves. Also that not all dumpsters are created equal.

Where is this magical country where money is not really an issue?

He probably meant in his own bubble.

There are definitely countries where money is less of an issue, but I've never heard of a country where it's not an issue. More likely he's referring to the former country. Nevertheless I'm also curious about which country this is.

RIP screen readers

Probably beyond the abilities of the average user

That's definitely not a thing.

For me it's the best $15/mo I spend. As someone who is regularly alone in the backcountry far from cell service, it's massively nice to know that I can communicate something wrong or if simply running late. And my wife also has to worry far less knowing that I can let her know if something goes wrong. She also has the ability to request my location without me doing anything in the event I were unconscious or something.

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