And I've trained people who have been writing bad code into writing better code and into delaying all merge requests by also complaining about bad code! >:]
I'd be pretty depressed if I worked somewhere this weren't the case. So it sounds like either your workplace culture is very bad or like mine is very good. (I don't know how common either case is.)
I really like to code, as well as being reviewed or doing code reviews. However, when I try to do code reviews, most of the time I receive comments like 'We do not have time' or 'We can fix it later' or 'This task is just a bug fix'. The problems isn't about caring; I care about the code I write, but when you care, it takes time. When you need time to do things right, this isn't reflected in your performance. I experimented with being like others who don't care much and just do the task as needed, no more. Then I realized improvements in my performance :D.
That's like Italian trains, but it's more like "nobody knows what platform it's gonna be at; keep a look out and run when you see it; also, screw you".
And that's good because the slaves have a slightly higher quality of life than before. Even though our low skill workers are priced out of the economy. But that's good because they should go to college and learn to code! Which 100% of society definitely can afford financially and cognitively since we're all interchangeable cogs. No free college that's too extreme though lol. Plus, iPhones are so cheap! Would you rather have Detroit not in ruins but not be able to afford a new iPhone every year???
> their goal is to make sure people are formatted and replaceable.
Why else would corporations be the exclusive authors of "middle-level" languages like Java, C#, and Go? ;p JS and Python are too slow, but we can't find enough C, C++, or Rust developers! Let's invent these abominations instead with which we can churn out more good-enough mediocrity per quarter than ever before!
As opposed to letting advertisers be our mental jailors by chilling the discourse as they pressure the hubs where communication takes place to collapse down to the lowest common denominator of anodyne politically correct corporate approved goodthink like they have over the last 10 years. Cry me a river. I'm morally outraged all the way back into my cage, Mr. PepsiCo!
Elon tells advertisers to go fuck themsleves, turns Twitter into a cesspool and a hollow shell of its former self and then sues when they decide as companies to not advertise on his now toxic platform? Seems logical to me on the part of the advertisers.
If this doesn’t track for you did causality break in the universe?
Most of Twitter's revenue comes from advertising. If you run a business that's dependent on ad sales then guess what: you're dependent on advertisers. They are your customers. That's where the money comes from.
If your customer doesn't like what you're selling then they're not going to buy it. And when you then tell your customers to go fuck themselves your business is unlikely to thrive.
If Musk doesn't like the fact that Twitter is no longer a compelling product for his customers then he either needs to fix the product so it's something his customers want or change the business model to no longer be advertising based or get out of the social media business altogether.
According to Musk, Twitter is busier than ever and about to start being a financial company. Why do they need advertisers in the first place?
Rather than sue a bunch of advertisers why doesn’t Elon, who is clearly a once in a generation business genius, execute on his plan and show the world why we don’t need advertisers?
I'd add that even though Advertising (well, more specifically, Advertising Market Research) put a roof over my head, clothes on my back and food in my belly for the first 18 years of my life, then for another five years in my early 20s, I despise advertisers, advertising and all that goes with it.
I take great pains to avoid viewing/hearing ads anywhere and wish that scum would just go away.
I'm not "rooting for the ad industry"[0]. In fact, I wish it was abolished or at least heavily regulated.
That said, forcing folks to endorse speech they don't wish to endorse, and/or forcing folks to pay to endorse such speech (showing an ad next to a tweet serves as a de facto endorsement of that tweet) is wrong.
And as much as I hate advertisers, I love freedom of expression and freedom of (or, in this case, from) association for everyone, including those triple-damned advertisers.
> That said, forcing folks to endorse speech they don't wish to endorse... is wrong
Ehh, suppose advertisers didn't want to have ads appear next to tweets by users of specific ethinicities or religious affiliations? Do you think they should have a choice there, or should they not be given one?
I mean, maybe at social platform level granularity it's just economic freedom of association. But you made a generic argument (or at least that's how it reads)
I think folks should follow the law. I'll let you extrapolate WRT "protected classes"[0] and the like, although (since IANAL) I'm not sure how such would apply in the case of placing ads. Especially since one can place ads to be shown only to 18-34 year-old [men|women|non-binary] with a specified educational attainment, a specified floor for income, specified marital status, parentage status in a specific zip code.
All that said, we're talking about a specific platform here (X) and you're moving the goal posts, which just smacks of bad faith. This is your last feeding from me. Now get back under your bridge!
>As opposed to letting advertisers be our mental jailors by chilling the discourse
Chilling what discourse? To which specific discourse and topics are you referring?
I'm not being snarky here, I don't use Twitter/X/whatever or other "Social Media" sites like FB/IG. Nor do I use any federated ActivityPub[0] sites.
As such, I'm really not sure what speech you believe is being "suppressed" by advertisers.
What's more IIUC, Musk/X are claiming that advertisers should be required to advertise (and pay for those advertisements) on Twitter/X. Unless I'm missing something important, that makes absolutely no sense.
It would be like McDonald's suing you because you don't buy their food, or Tesla suing you because you bought a Chevy instead of a Tesla.
And so, assuming I'm not missing anything important (am I?), the whole premise is risible[1]. No one owes Musk/X/Twitter any advertising revenue, and forcing folks to pay to run ads where they don't want to run such ads is ridiculous -- or is it your contention that advertisers (or anyone else, for that matter -- since if they can be forced to do this, so can you or me) must pay Elon Musk?
I'd be very interested to hear how such a position is compatible with capitalism and a free society. Do tell.
> What's more IIUC, Musk/X are claiming that advertisers should be required to advertise (and pay for those advertisements) on Twitter/X. Unless I'm missing something important, that makes absolutely no sense.
Agreed. It doesn’t. Companies are free to spend their ad dollars how they choose to. It’s a free country last I checked.
Unless you're C++-damaged enough to assume it's one of those bullshit gaslighting "it might actually not do anything lol" premature optimization keywords, like `constexpr`.
`inline` is my favorite example of this. It's a "This does things, not what you think it does, and also it's not used for what you think it is. Don't use it".
Doom Eternal (which would turn out to be a deeply ironic name and which I was only playing singleplayer) had some botnet layered over it that tried to "update" whenever you started the game. There was a bug where the little startup dialog that would say "updating" or whatever instead said nothing, and it just hung there, and there was no way to bypass it. It effectively bricked the game because not even reinstalling got rid of it. You couldn't do anything to play the game anymore. Research revealed this happened on all platforms, and nobody had a fix. Awesome to be in the future with all this fancy technology, where my game rips me off on accident, WAY BEFORE end of life (this was like a year or two from its release). :D Meanwhile, I can fire up Doom 1 and 2 via gzdoom in less time than it took that dialog to finish when it was still working. And you can play Doom 3 in the browser!
Yeah, stuff like this is why I wouldn't feel the urge to play new video games even if I had time. Even if everything works fine, I don't want to wait on updates.
If all of these sound like lies to spin economists' narratives and scare everybody into playing into their hands, it's because that's exactly what they are.
And I've trained people who have been writing bad code into writing better code and into delaying all merge requests by also complaining about bad code! >:]
I'd be pretty depressed if I worked somewhere this weren't the case. So it sounds like either your workplace culture is very bad or like mine is very good. (I don't know how common either case is.)