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The thing is, the death penalties in Singapore are in the single digits per year (out of a population of 6 million, effectively higher as this excludes non-citizens). People are not killed without thought, there is careful and lengthy investigations in each and every case.

The deterrence does work and saves countless lives that would have been taken from ODs and cartel-ish activities

Sure but it’s a smaller country and you’re making my point for me about the effect of draconian punishments.


The electric chair and lethal injection have both resulted in torturous, prolonged deaths for some victims. If beheading is done correctly, you essentially die right away.

I would argue that the masses of people that flock to see the beheading also result in some stress towards the victim. But the fact that it is not a clean room beheading but a public one culturally dependent too ...

If we argue which type of death is more or less pleasant we've directly descended into not just the Middle East, but the Middle Ages.

oftentimes, the metric of a journalist's success is not how accurate or well researched an article is

it is how accessible is, even at the cost of nuance, which leads to more clicks

journalists are knowledgeable -> average person says yes

ordinary people are knowledgeable -> average person says not necessarily

> for example, only people with gmail accounts that are over 5 years old and who use them at least 3 times per week to eliminate fakers—-but keep this a secret

tbh this is just a bandage, its just going to get botted once people discover the pattern (a lot of premium bot farms do offer mature or hacked gmail accounts anyway) and its going to be worse for legitimate discovery

Then you quietly change the rule, and get years of success until it's widely gamed again.

The point is, there's experimentation that could be done and there's absolutely solutions that could be found.

Early Google did tons of experimentation with the search algorithm to maintain the integrity of the results. There was definitely an active game of cat and mouse back then that Google actually cared about staying on top of.

But as a decades entrenched monopoly, Google lost all incentives to tinker with anything anymore. The "operational" folks took over and any change to the search algorithm is now a multi-year endeavor involving thousands of stakeholders.

> Then you quietly change the rule, and get years of success until it's widely gamed again.

You won't though, unfortunately. Too many people know the rules to keep it a secret, especially given that corruption exists.

after work as an embedded systems engineer, I play a game where I am an embedded systems engineer

10/10 asm is life

"You will go on the busman's holiday and you will enjoy it", the Zachtronics promise

but the ability to get horses to pull carts is not tied to expert knowledge of hand-pushing plows, neither is machinery to horse-pulling. This is not really the case for AI

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Touchscreen is great, touchscreen first UIs are not. I use a touchscreen laptop and the number of times I subconsciously try and tap/scroll/pinch the screen when I use macbooks is frustrating. It is such an improvement over trackpad and a nice compliment to keyboard+mouse

is it actually?

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