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My bad, I was indeed able to re-activate my account by fiddling with the user database. I was mislead by the doc stating the superuser account can't be deactivated, where clearly it can :)

I don't remember reading about the end of the free version but that's probably bad memory on my part. Good to know about the forum and one time payment too.

My apologies and thanks to the filerun dev, I was wrong and ungrateful.

Fun fact about mystery-o-matic.com, and I suspect the HTML page generated with linked software : with JS disabled, you are able to see all clues "for free". When you don't know what the UI ought to look like, you just read them before realizing you're not supposed to.

This is correct, JS should be enabled to play :). The alternative is using a server to get clues which I want to avoid (the website is a single, static html). This enabled to play offline as well.

You can probably hide those with a `display: none` via CSS and remove it with Javascript. People with poor connections may fail to load the JS, or see the clues until JS finally loads.

Good catch, thanks a lot!

I have 2 Dell Inspiron 1525 from 2008, still kicking bottoms as DAW under Manjaro. I used to have a a Dell Latitude d630 from 2007 running Debian fine in 2018 but I gave it away. Compared to my 2008 macbook pro, that cost me 1400€ at the time, and suddenly died on me 4 years later for no obvious reason (this series was subject to a recall campaign due to its nvidia 8600 gpu, but I missed the elegibility window by a few months). TBH though, my dad uses a 2009 macbookpro with W10 and it runs just fine with an SSD.

All in all, you never know, YMMV .

Ever heard of GNU Hurd ?

What is really appaling and frightening here is the level of ignorance, incompetence and technical illiteracy shown by the various magistrates, and how they can be manipulated by the storytelling. Unfortunately, I think it's fair to say that it's representative of the general level of expertise in the french judicial system. Want some laughs ? Look for "Olivier Laurelli", "Altice vs reflet.info"...

I think the author is referring to this at the end of the article :


That's when you're glad you're running a firefox variant and hit "Ctrl+Alt+R" to switch to reader view.

Not a GUI, but a nice TUI : https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit

Some videos show the workflow here : https://jesseduffield.com/15-Lazygit-Features/

I enrolled a few years back and I also recommend them.

It's a bit ironic that copilot is under fire from coders when most of them find stable diffusion so great...

It's not ironic at all. Stable Diffusion is open-source and free software. Copilot is a for-pay, closed-source commercial product.

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