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My last name starts with a letter at the bottom of the alphabet. I notice this all the time. Anecdote from this year: My son is in a high school class that requires constant input from the teacher on long running projects they have. The teacher reviews the projects alphabetically by surname, about 40% of the time, the teacher never gets to the bottom of the class, and asks the students to find her after school if they have issues. But the nature of the projects definitely requires proactive comments from the teacher. I ask my son to go find the teacher regardless and get a pro-active review, but not all the kids do that, and hence the potential for a lower grade.

I knew nothing of Pitcairn but when I searched I ran into this in the Wikipedia article, its fallout is as recent as 2016. Surprised no one is talking about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitcairn_Islands#Sexual_miscon...

I said something about it, but my content was censored by the SS here.

You seem to think there is a monolithic "culture" that needs to be augmented. This has never been the case. There are always a dominant culture that is not necessarily named and multiple subcultures per minority group. Why are folks more sensitive to black sub-culture manifestations in the US vs other minority groups?

America does have a relatively monolithic culture and this translates into its businesses, government, and everything else. This is easy to observe if you live outside of America.

Are you being serious when you say America has a relatively monolithic culture? Relative to whom?

Yes, by and large Americans have the same basic values and interests. The most popular entertainment figures, sports, musicians, and other cultural elements come from a very wide range of backgrounds. Values like individual freedom or the importance of voting are fairly universal among Americans.

As I said, this is easy to observe from abroad, where there is no space to differentiate between black Americans and white Americans. They’re all just Americans and they mostly act the same way.

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