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the sign up page is clunky. My inputs aren't visible https://pasteboard.co/PL6myO1PGkIG.png

Hi, this is odd. What browser are you using?

Looks like it could the autocomplete of the browser they are using.

Try something like this in your global.css https://pasteboard.co/VAf6hbqgxOoU.png

I am using regular chrome

The way I approach this is integrating wisdom to my ambition. First step is to understand what the source of my ambition is. If my ambition stems from my need to impress others or gain superficial status then I understand my ambitious is misplaced and delusional. Kinda takes deep self-awareness to access the cause. I refuse to to leave my life in delusion. But if my ambition stems from a genuine internal desire and intrinsic motivation then I know I am in the right direction. In essence you want to align you goals with the truth of your being.

What is wisdom anyways? It is one of those things that is illusive to define and communicate. Wisdom is a check against your own self-delusion. And what is the true reality of things? Each one of us has a very unique and individual human experience. And when one truly accepts the solitariness of his journey there is no comparison possible and he is in an existential world where things simply “are”.

so much for all the google doomers. Just goes to show how unintuitive all of this things are

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