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You should read these books:



And some of the myths you have may be dispelled :-)

I am also a very avid C++ avoider but if I am in a meeting with this author and they tell me we need to use C++ for something, I'll take it.

Because I trust pain more than smarts. And I do agree that we are coming to a point there will be a better compiled language. Rust actually broke the untouchable status of C/C++. In my opinion the final popularity blow will come from something else. I wish I knew what it was.

Why rebuild a bridge? Watch this and wee at the cost for a tunnel these folks managed to make: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EruSZNI4th4

A tunnel would be ideal here (and the other crossings are already buried). But I doubt it's in the budget.

How about a bus that carries hi speed network and power... and everything running Plan 9 to glue it up together :-)

mmm tastes like beowulf

In what way? "Beowulf clusters" were built out of off-the-shelf machines connected through relatively normal (if high-speed) networking, running MPI programs on Linux. That's what distinguished them from the more expensive, more custom HPC systems of the day.

In the way of it being a pipe dream relentlessly pursued…in words only…by many nerd types. So much so it turned into a meme during the 90’s. Like someone would mention a hamburger and someone else would say imagine a Beowulf cluster of those.

I kinda doubt ggp’s Plan 9-linked idea has enough legs to take it that far though.

Like Perl's: Make the easy things easy, and the hard things possible.

Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone.

Jorge Luis Borges

It's dead Jim...

Did you try running it using DuckDB?

DuckDB is what I used in the blog post. Re-running this query simply recomputes everything from the start. I didn't store intermediary that would allow starting off from where the query stopped. But it's possible!

Use SWIG to integrate C++ into Lua: https://www.swig.org/

I don't think that this approach is that good. First of all, you need to write a custom "interface" file. Then, you need to integrate running of swig into your build process, which makes the build complicated.

With sol, it's much easier - you just register function/classes in your C++ code - it's much easier to do than with Lua C API and doesn't require running any "post-processing" steps at all.

Have you tried sol2? It's vastly more capable and transparent. It's also 100% native C++ code, so is just part of your application, with no extra tooling required.

Please define 'talented' first! Any 'talented' developer can code in most languages (well there are exceptions, VB comes to my mind :-) )

There are 'experienced', 'hard working', 'team player', 'junior' (aka cheap)and even 'senior' (a developer's developer) but 'talented'?

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