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Before reading the article, I thought it was about Neanderthal themed designs on the tile.

Why did ChatGPT say that's fascinating? I thought it was a large language model that had no feelings or opinions.

Because it's tuned to be as positive as possible about anything you give it. Try asking it to review your poetry sometime.

To be fair it's kind of that.

that thought briefly crossed my mind too

When I was in college, registering for classes was always a pain since a lot of classes would fill up almost instantly once online registration opened, then it was just a game of constantly refreshing to see if any seats had become available.

After struggling through that for a few semesters, I decided to automate it. Started out with a script that would take course IDs as input and check for openings every few minutes (used selenium/beautiful soup I think) then text me via twilio whenever a seat was available. The next semester I updated it so it would even sign me up for the course automatically.

Also came in handy to get myself and a few friends into the coveted wine tasting class our senior year.

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