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Yeah the NoSQL tide seems to have been stemmed by people actually trying to use them.

Do you have some source here to provide for the curious?

Agree that people may want this to be a bigger factor than it is, or no factor at all, depending on their personal feelings on Musk and his politics.

I would say its hard to argue it is likely some factor in the middle. I'd love to see it studied.

I'll anecdotally add that I've always found Teslas design language pretty ugly, but did pine after the status of owning one briefly. Now I would never buy one for the association with Musk. So there you have it, scientifically there are at least 3 of us, and at most 8 billion of us. Further study is needed.

Regardless of how true your point is, millions of 20-something year old men exist in the market that haven't yet, or never will, reach your state of capitalism nirvana.

So your assumption justifies judging Tesla owners? Doesn't seem very enlightened of you either

Did you mean to reply to me? I didn't claim it was or wasn't okay, or that I was enlightened. I am merely pointing out that one person's journey to separating themselves from being concerned with vanity and status of their vehicle doesn't remove the large population of people predisposed to behave otherwise.

That's because they don't "understand" any of it. I think the interesting space here is in getting the machinery around the model to correct the output before returning it to users, which is the sort of space I'm assuming this app plays it.

For the kinds of devs they've hired, Windows is the third most common development or production environment. I've worked at startups like this for 20 years and haven't touched a windows system.

I realize yall are out there, but from where I'm sitting, this isn't odd at all. They're likely most familiar with and using Unixes.

GDPR them, if you're in the EU. Or just pretend you are and see if they flinch.

Yep when I read stuff like this I think, "nah I'll just write the damn code." Looking forward to being replaced by a robot, myself.

Pretty sure Musk gets a decent paycheck, and manages to be involved in plenty of drama.

Yep. It takes a lot of bravery and I appreciate it!

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