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For reference, here is what Europe has been doing for a few years: mandatory refund plus distance-based compensation.


Might be A/B testing on the title ?

That is what Scala claims to be. https://www.scala-lang.org/

Scala has its own downsides tho. It is a "big" language in the sense that because it tries to do everything, there are too many ways to do one things.

Do you mean that fining more for richer people is unfair?

That's an interesting view. One could argue that a flat fine allows rich people to break the law more, because they can afford it. Which IMHO seems pretty unfair.

I agree with it and think there should be more penalties like it.

People who spend months of their time building open source represent a fraction of developers who "never pay".

Why pay when there is a free, open and, if need arises, hackable alternatives ?

Developers do pay when there is value is. See how profitable cloud hosting is!

I call it "railway oriented programming", after the presentation by Scott Wlaschin.


What contract framework would you recommend in Python?

I've been dissatisfied with all of them actually!

But both Deal (https://pypi.org/project/deal/) and icontract (https://pypi.org/project/icontract/) have merit.

I can't remember where I saw it, but the author of deal seemed a bit annoyed at the existence of icontract, maybe on a mailing list.

I've played around with CrossHair (https://pypi.org/project/crosshair-tool/) as well a bit, and that supports both deal and icontract.

icontract also seems to integrate with hypothesis (https://pypi.org/project/hypothesis/) , which deal does not do explicitly.

deal actually has a far better integration with hypothesis as its testing strategies are built on that library! https://deal.readthedocs.io/details/tests.html#mixing-with-h...

Thanks a lot!

> I've been dissatisfied with all of them actually!

What are some of your dissatisfaction points? Do you know of better alternatives in other languages ?

Luncheon vouchers systems are run by private entities that take a fee on it. I believe the fee is pretty high (a shop owner told me 8%, but I am not too confident).

I definitely believe this system is outdated, that the tax-cut is eaten by said companies plus the extra burden and that the world would be a slightly simpler place without meal vouchers (at least as I know them in France).


Any source that companies are actually paying a premium on this? Given that gift cards are sold at par or even at a discount, I'm skeptical that companies will pay a premium for what essentially are gift cards.

Companies don't pay a premium but merchants pay a transaction fee.

Reading from Swile's website, it is a flat 3.85%, quite lower than what I initially thought. I am not sure how it compares to credit cards.

Source https://www.swile.co/en/merchants/meal-vouchers

You must mean a railway then ?

Edit: by the way, why don't we have autonomous freight trains?

Freight trains have a much lower fraction of human labor as cost vs. benefits relative to trucking or cab driving. 1 truck and driver carries 20 tonnes. 2 engineers on a freight train carry close to 20,000 tonnes, so there is only 1/50th (ish) the benefit.

No. One form of transportation doesn't have to exist for everything. Rail is the long haul and trucking is the last mile.

Autonomous trucking should start out with its own dedicated part of the highway between distribution centers. We are trying to build autonomous driving to accommodate our current road structure which humans currently drive on. A dedicated / isolated lane with sensors, etc should be the start. Start small and then you can expand after getting feedback data. Everything is always so costly and unattainable because everyone wants to implement it with the current infrastructure but its not needed.

For reference we already do these types of dedicated lanes with ezpass express or HOV lanes.

Caught that did you? :-) The one interesting disruptive thing might be paved roads vs rail infrastructure. It is easier to have a steerable vehicle turn on different paths than doing railroad switches. So the underlying physical plant of building things might allow for rapid deployment vs rails.

we do have semi-autonomous trains, in the US at least. i'm not sure about elsewhere. PTC stops a large class of disastrous operator errors (overspeed, missed/ignored signal, etc.). it is almost entirely complete on all of the class 1 railroads in the US by now.

Is it a problem if the disk is encrypted ?

yes because more than one process can access the file.

A "password manager" provides a defined api and schields the password away from everything. It can also ask the user if process x can access the key y.

If a user has access to your machine to steal the password, why not just steal the data that's protected by it? Or add another device to syncthing? Install a keylogger. Rootkit.

Generally it depends on the threat vector.

* Do you trust the hardware

* Do you trust the OS

* Do you trust the user

* Do you trust the software

On a rootkit you don't trust the OS anymore. So a safe location inside the OS space isn't an option anymore. But often you are not a root user (e.g. android, windows in a corporate environment)

If you have OS backups there is a risk it is readable by others (e.g. cloud, different IT department). There is also a risk a user uploads the config somewhere.

If you want to rotate keys you would have to search all keys compared to a centralized location.

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