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the Camry's value is in resale

I actually wonder about this. I know other electric cars had terrible resale value, but doesn't the model 3 have a good resale value?

With all the price cuts I doubt it

You don't get the dealer markup back on resale

Oh, I just meant that I buy used

Subtitle: "And why, to my surprise, it’s working"

"## *Intellectual property rights*

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What a goof

Does everyone who grew up that way have longform arguments with themselves in the comment sections of hyper-online internet forums?

Do you always confuse brevity with wisdom, post ad hominem obscured as empty rhetorical questions?

Online and internet are repetitive.

As you said (twice) this forum is online; I have no idea what syntax and semantics any one will connect with.

Only 14% of the public has more than a bachelors, while public polls suggest public thinks 45% have a masters or better. Even an educated person can be ignorant; they were among the polled.

The world is predominantly non-STEM thinkers who read stories. Even STEM content is metaphor and analogy not exact interpretation.

One comment on the internet rustled your Jimmie’s enough to post empty gibberish. Why take that seriously or sincerely?

You don't think people move. Go to higher education and get technical jobs. Or what? Lol.

Does the verb 'fail' take 'from' as a preposition?

No joke, I lost mine in the woods, and it was inside of a faraday bag. I went to my cell phone company, got a new phone and a new sim that same day. I also went to Google and did an erase of the Pixel.

The next day, I went back to the woods and found my Pixel, still inside the faraday bag. The erase order hadn't gotten to the phone. It still hasn't. That's right: to this day, I've kept the phone in that bag, waiting and praying for some way to reverse the wipe command I gave to Google. One day, Google will enable me to reverse that wipe order, I have faith.

this is the funniest thing I've read today. You could get a EMI blocking blanket from amazon, wrap it around your head and open your phone to copy the data. Or drive further into the woods where there is no signal to copy the data.

Then simply let it erase itself and reinitialize it from backup.

Thank you! It's definitely evidence that the universe has a sense of humor.

I like the idea of going into the woods -- how do I get ALL the data off the phone in a human-readable manner that's accessible to someone like me -- not a sophisticated computer nerd, but someone who dabbles in python, can do rudimentary stuff with the command line, and would be lost without Windows? I can obviously grab the photos. But can I recover anything else? The filetypes will all make the data sticky to the apps, wouldnt it?

A laptop with adb backup. Try searching for or putting into chatgpt "adb backup how to backup and restore my phone". Try it out on your new phone first. Essentially after installing adb, you'll need to enable a debug option on your phone first, plug it in, allow the adb command to access it, then run backup. It could take a while so make sure your laptop is fully charged.

If the battery is flat, take the SIM out? Plug out your WiFi before you turn it on?

Anyone want to start a book club?

Lawmakers said this same mess to Volker, who was and shall remain the one true fed king.

stay hopeful friend -- the universe always has a way of surprising us

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