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As part of 9th grade biology we had to read "Microbe Hunters". The grades ahead insisted that it was awful and boring but I devoured the whole thing in a weekend. So thankful that it was part of the curriculum.

Targeting profit rarely helps. The big players can afford the financial engineers to make the profits negligible from an accounting perspective. Likely funneled into growth. The small players cannot, so you put them in a situation where selling to a big player is rational. And the oligopoly grows.

The current economic environment definitely over indexes on very abstract metrics to steer, which is problematic.

I am also not proposing any formal system.

I am saying that it is quite easy to spot profits that are too high.

I am also saying that the governments role is to ensure efficient markets.

In this case it is suing RealPage.

It could also be making it easier to make housing in a specific area to counter under supply.

it is all regulation.

> I'm left with the impression that people on and off Hackernews just like drama and gloomy predictions about the future.

Welcome to the human race!

The question there is _which_woman_? The one going to get the procedure or the one on the sharp end of needle? So the question one might ask you is "from whose perspective is murder trivial?" Neither seem trivial to me, which is probably why it's such a contentious issue. Framing it like you do seems mostly just to dehumanize the other side. I'm probably with you in how we should treat this, but I also worry about the slippery slope problem - at what point is it no longer ok to abort? If six months, then why not six months and a day? Then why not a moment before birth? Then why not after birth? What is the magical moment where we say the "clump of cells" becomes "human"? Trying to answer that question feels like it unavoidably treads into religious grounds even for the non-religious.

Your questions are moot because functionally no one is at the end of a needle. No woman or doctor is going around willy nilly getting their jollies off killing viable fetuses.


> What is the magical moment where we say the "clump of cells" becomes "human"?

When that human is outside of another human. Until then, women and doctors should have ZERO risk of being held liable for decisions about saving the pregnant woman’s life that may have to be made in seconds in a rapidly changing medical situation.

It is a complete non issue (that is until the Repubs started banning women’s healthcare) burning untold resources of our nation’s political time and money.

>The question there is _which_woman_? The one going to get the procedure or the one on the sharp end of needle? So the question one might ask you is "from whose perspective is murder trivial?" Neither seem trivial to me, which is probably why it's such a contentious issue. Framing it like you do seems mostly just to dehumanize the other side.

In what world is this a coherent argument that people should look past these ideological divides in their relationships? You know, the actual disagreement at hand?

I'm guessing it's more to do with the interaction of the gravitational vectors of sun and moon. During a half-moon it is pulling at a right angle to the sun, during a new-moon with the sun, and during a full-moon against the sun.

Note also that all those old cards were done on physical media, whereas today almost all the cards are done digitally. So the modern cards are much more _detailed_. Check out the Jesper Ewing cards like Frantic Scapegoat. He's notable for creating real paintings. To me they capture a bit of the old feel.

Minor correction: Jesper Ejsing

And when it runs out, those of us who have made sacrifices now to provide for old age will be a wealthy, "privileged" target.

But only because there was no will to sacrifice the wealth of the wealthiest, all a fiction of effectively fancy spreadsheets. Surprised this would catch up with us?

Being in a position to make sacrifices for retirement can also be a privilege.

Those of us who have the foresight to make such sacrifices should also have the foresight to structure our investments to make them resilient against redistribution.

You can fight taxes, you can’t fight a central bank money printer that inflates it away. There’s only so many hard assets.

Wealth is a shared delusion, and laws are mutable and a function of the times and zeitgeist. Keep this in mind.

I suppose the "our" in that "our investments" is the socialist "our".

Your investments? Nay, comrade. OUR investments.

I feel like the criminals would kill the eagle pretty quickly

The Beijing dishes are legit too.

Why the CEO instead of the board?

Why not both?

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