Fascinating! The wine discovery reminds me one scene from the book 'The Dark Forest'[0] when the protagonist drinks a wine from some centuries before... spoiler: it wasn't good.
That's the point, but often in many network issues, the name resolution is the root cause of the problem. Not necessarily the DNS itself. Sometimes the /etc/hosts is more than enough to cause headaches!
I'm disappointed: I can't see any comments about the awful .zip file integration in modern Windows version.
Extracting the files requires a pop-up or a non-intuitive context menu.
Last time I tried to use the built-in zip extraction was in XP, perhaps Win7. It was awful.
It was slow. Unzipping archived source with thousands of files could take an hour or more... or 15 seconds via pkunzip.
It didn't warn of corruption. Windows-unzip a corrupted file, and it will just stop at the point of corruption with no feedback, as though complete. Using pkunzip you'd get a warning about a corrupted file.
Being that slow, and not reporting errors are two things that really aren't acceptable. I have no idea if it's improved since then.
It sounds like it was the best it could reasonably be expected be back in the late 90s, and if it hasn't been improved sufficiently since then is probably not at all his fault.
[0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Forest