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ICYDK, do consider reporting on https://webcompat.com if you see them.

OP prolly channeling his inner Damian.

This is exciting and happening faster than I imagined. I do hope other vendors are joining in to create a well-designed standard that's future-proof and backwards-compatible. I do wonder how they might go on about doing that given there are competing models in play. As a dev, I'd want something consistent and with LLMs, feels like it'll be even more annoying if the same APIs produced very different quality of output across browsers.

Sorry to be that person but are there any free/OSS alternatives to the ones mentioned here? Mainly for macOS?

I'm linux-only so can't say for macos, but I use OBS to record and Kdenlive[1] to edit. It will take a bit more effort to get some of the effects like the zoom as Kdenlive is full video editing software, but it's a skill that IMHO is well worth the 45 mins to an hour it takes to get comfortable.

[1]: https://kdenlive.org/en/download/

Free like QuickTime to Record/Capture Screen contents and iMovie to modify the material?

Not a direct alternative per se, as it is meant for coding, but https://syphon.github.io/ - I used to use this years ago and it worked great then for screen captures.

Remotion is the best alternative imo

Agree. I don't get what's driving folks comparing this to the iPhone launch. Apples and oranges.

The iPhone launch had people screaming and cheering in a room.

People were also begging Apple to make an iPhone for years before it was even announced. There were fan mockups.

Apple only made it when the engineering had caught up with the vision.

I read some old reviews of the iPhone recently and they seemed mostly positive but with some minor gripes about the software and bits that were not as good as existing smartphones. All small stuff that could be fixed up.

The problem with this AI pin is that the entire concept seems bad and unfixable. Their whole product is just “your phone, but the only interface is Siri”. For one, you can already do exactly that with a smart watch or phone.

> All small stuff that could be fixed up.

That this could happen is one of the most underrated aspects of the original iPhone.

In June 2007, the iPhone launched without a way to buy music on the phone and download it yourself, without copy and paste, and without a way to install any Apps. The app story was this little shit sandwich that Steve Jobs sold as a sweet solution called web apps announced earlier in the month (Web 2.0 and AJAX! No SDK!).

By the end of the first model’s life, it had the full iTunes Store, it had the App Store full of native apps, and it had cut, copy and paste. Any other phone that launched in 2007 did not see this level of improvement just through software updates in 2008 or 2009.

Everything about that product and its price tag screamed whatever he put up in the title and I'm glad he went ahead so that the average joe doesn't get scammed into getting this garbage.

There's clickbait and there's the plain and simple truth.

Yes but almost all shackled by Apple. Orion Browser is probably the only one I've come across that lets me install uBlock and it actually seems to work. None of the other ad-blocking extensions for Safari have the same power as uBlock as per my understanding and usage.

I use AdGuard Pro on iOS Safari. I generally never see ads. The experience is pretty close to ublock origin on the desktop.

$10 closed source app that monitors everything in my browser. Hard pass.

Classic Apple swamp garden where users have to buy black box apps that are often free and open source in other platforms.

Murphy's law disagrees.

From my childhood with Rocky/Predator to the present with Mandalorian—truly stood apart. Sucks that we lost another gem.

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