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The question is what will happen once Temu burn through their marketing budget. Will there be another investor with Temu 2.0?

It's owned by Pinduoduo. Publicly traded on Nasdaq, and looking at their numbers roughly, they probably have a lot of marketing budget from where it came from.

I flew it couple of times. For me it's nicer because of 2-3 seating - smaller % of middle seats and if you're flying with someone you can take 2 seats next to each other. Also economy seats are slightly wider (0.5-1 inch) which is not much but still appreciated.

They are definitely felt much nicer and quieter than smaller planes like Embraer E175 or E195.

I don't mind QR code menus too much but often they are paired with ordering/payment system and these are too unreliable. Sometimes it can take my order, sometimes it just can't or I have to ask a friend with a different phone. Also, typing you card number on a phone is irritating, not to mention that I know nothing about that website and how secure it is.

While 2FA is everywhere but whether it should be enabled by default or not is very subjective.

Not that long time ago there was a discussion about 23andMe data leak through user accounts that reused emails/passwords on some other compromised site. I was surprised how many people here argued that 23andMe should be responsible for this data breach because it's common knowledge that people reuse passwords all the time and yet 23ndMe didn't make 2FA mandatory until after the leak.

Personally I prefer to have a choice on whether 2FA should be enabled or not but I also understand companies that don't want to be blamed for something that is entirely user's fault so it's much easier for them to make 2FA mandatory, even though with phone apps it's not really 2FA since it's the same device.

I wonder if CarPlay and Android Auto is not safe on GM cars because they are just bad at implementing it. I had my share of issues with Android Auto on my last car - initial setup was not easy and just for Android they were blocking touch screen unless car was in "parking" mode. All of that was entirely on car manufacturer and it was one of the reasons I got a different car without such issues.

Initial setup depends on a car a lot. On my previous car it was connecting through USB, initial setup was complicated but afterwards it mostly worked. On my current car connection is wireless and set up was pretty easy. It takes some time to connect to my car once I turn it on but most of it is loading of infotainment system. As far as apps - depends on what you need. For me maps, music and calls are enough, but if you want something very specific - it's probably not going to work.

It's usually listed it on their website and not too hard to google. I have to do it for every new airline I use because I'm almost always flying with only carry-on and rules for carry-on can drastically differ between airlines.

Only time I flew Spirit it cost me $40 to get from Orlando to LA and it's hard to beat that price. Compared to likes of RyanAir their personal item size is actually quite generous and my usual weekender backpack fit pretty well. I'm avoiding Spirit since that flight mostly because their operations are less reliable than other carriers but that have nothing to do with extra charges.

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