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Brave Hungarian peasant girl that she was.

mud + rainbow = pig ? I’m not sure I am seeing the point.

I couldn’t answer this from the site. Will this let me run macOS Catalina on an M2 Mac Studio with usable graphics performance? Because that would give me back a bunch of 32-bit games I didn’t want to give up.

No. It will be slow as hell

But something like El Capitan will be somehow acceptable and Lion will be actually usable

I would be surprised if GPT-3 uses 700GB of RAM. It may be true, I don't know. But I am running 70B parameter models (quantized to 5 or 6 bits, biggest is 48GB loaded) on my 64GB Mac M2 Max Studio now and they are usable and the machine is still usable too. With an M2 Ultra and 192GB of RAM I imagine you could do a lot more.

I'm not arguing that these models hold up against GPT 3.5 and I still use GPT 4 when it matters. But they work and it's more like the difference between Premier League & Division 1, rather than PL & a five-a-side team from Bracknell.

Even a few years ago I could not have imagined this.

Given the pace of work on optimisation and my assumption that the M3 Studio I buy next will probably have 256GB of RAM at much the same power levels as I use now, it seems eminently possible it's a year or two away.

As a developer who came to Elixir from Clojure I had the same reaction to fun.(), “this sucks”. Then someone explained why. So, okay, there is a good reason but “bleh.” I think that lasted maybe a day, by which time I had accepted it as part of the language. It’s just not a big deal when the language offers so much in return. And I liked Clojure.

Unless you are arguing that HN is arbitrarily prioritising Elixir related content then it’s getting exactly the amount of attention it deserves.

In the Ruby language you are implicitly in the context of the Main object (IIRC). If scripting was it's own context then something like this could perhaps work for Elixir. You're already in a module context implicitly.

Same. As Douglas Adam’s said “I love deadlines. I love thé whooshing sound they make as they go by” but if a deadline involves other people those consequences get me to care.

Bought it. It’s very good. Indexed my 15,000 photos in a few mins (iPhone 14). Search seems fast, a few seconds only.

Am I missing a way to jump from the photo preview to the photo in the Photos app?

Glad to hear your feedback! However, Apple does not allow third-party apps to jump to Photos app.

This. Why does my browser not keep history forever, I surely have space for it? Why doesn’t it archive every page it can? And build a full-text index of every page so that I can be reasonably sure I can lay my hands on something I’ve seen, even if the original is now gone. I can only conclude that the people working on browsers aren’t interested in what goes on in a browser.

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