As a seasoned software engineer and someone with a special knack for deep and hidden problems, bottlenecks, and other "elephant in the room"s, I best work with startups and companies who are serious about what they do, have been around for a while, are stuck and/or could use some soul-searching/clarity in their code, processes, people et al for the better and looking to truly make it in the LONG RUN. No, I am not a manager or a consultant. Thank you for reading.
Do not listen to these CV nazis too much, your resume is fine. I am having the exact similar experience to you. Star employee for a decade and suddenly unemployable (a year now). I am pretty sure a lot of us are out there, they just do not want to expose their unemployment status publicly like you and me (and I understand that). The answer by ath3nd might sound "conspiracy theory" but it is closer to the truth. The thing affecting you and me is mostly because of (macro) games played much high above us.
I really don't want this to come across as snarky, and things are very tough out there right now, but if you think the OP's CV is fine and yours is similar to his then that might explain some of your own difficulties.
It's no good being a "star" employee if you can't communicate that fact to other people.
Thank you I needed to hear this, but I also detest self propaganda. Maybe I need to find a middle ground. Or just reach out to one of my old employers ... which again, I am not a big fan of :)
We can have a tendency to underplay what we have done. Often in tech we pull amazing rabbits out of hats - and then when people say how great it is, we'll respond with how it was nothing and anyone could have done it. It's nothing special...
Someone gave me some advice a few years back which was - if you don't feel mildly embarrassed when you read your CV you are probably underselling yourself.
On the reaching out to old employers - unless you left on really bad terms - drop them a line. You are a known quantity, it's a low effort hire that won't cost them anything (apart from your salary).
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Open to discussion
Technologies: Doesn't matter
As a seasoned software engineer and someone with a special knack for deep and hidden problems, bottlenecks, and other "elephant in the room"s, I best work with startups and companies who are serious about what they do, have been around for a while, are stuck and/or could use some soul-searching/clarity in their code, processes, people et al for the better and looking to truly make it in the LONG RUN. No, I am not a manager or a consultant. Thank you for reading.