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That's not true. The enterprise part is much smaller than the open source part.

I'm not sure how you are measuring "size", but I was going on features.

Though I haven't done a formal review of which features are open and closed, and the xompany doesn't appear to document it anywhere, so I may be wrong. It seems like when I have looked into it in the past mostly it is a core framework with a few open source apps and whole bucnh of closed ones and the marketing doesn't clearly state what is open and closed.

Why would you make a definitive statement about a product without doing the research to make sure you know what you're talking about?

If you expect every comment on this site to be backed by a massive amount of reasearch, then you are in the wrong place. I have looked into Odoo several times, I was expressing my impressions of the product. Sorry if that wasn't clear in my initial comment.

Should we avoid coffee ?

Coffee is less hydrating than water, not dehydrating. People think coffee = caffeine = dehydration, ignoring the 8-20oz. of water they're consuming.

The issue is that caffeine is a mild diuretic and depending on your caffeine sensitivity and other factors, that may have a more outsized effect on you in terms of fluid loss than the water you consumed with it.

So if you drink a dilute coffee (ex: weak iced milk base coffee drinks), you are probably fine but if you are drinking plain, hot coffee or low milk espresso drinks and you are sensitive to caffeine's diuretic properties, you are probably going to lose more than you gain.

> you are probably going to lose more than you gain.

There isn’t any science to support that. Feel free to only drink hot coffee for 3 days and see if you die of dehydration… Maybe you even think it's 2 days since hot coffee is even worse for hydration than nothing, apparently...

Not necessarily. Just make sure that you aren't only drinking coffee. Things kind of differ for everyone but I find that matching my drinks helps. If I drink a mug of coffee, I drink a tall glass of plain water. That seems to be pretty effective.

More than a decade ago, I heard a big consulting firm executive stated that he deliberately base his project on Perl, because his team will have less chance to find a new job elsewhere from this skill. :|

My Hacker News headlines today.

35. AI is making Meta's apps basically unusable (fastcompany.com)

36. AI-powered cameras installed on Metro buses to ticket illegally parked cars (latimes.com)

37. The AI expert who cited himself thousands of times on scientific paper (elpais.com)

Just wait a few years and it will be

5. AI bot monitors your actions at home. Reports any unpatriotic actions to government.

haha, it's called Amazon Alexa.

Police already access ring cameras

> Not to start a flamewar, but why inDesign instead of plain old LaTeX?

>> It's what I know. I used to be a graphic designer many years ago

The author is a graphic designer turned into compiler engineer ? Wow. I'm impressed.

I can imagine it is much quicker to make a prepress PDF for a book in Indesign than LaTeX. I would have picked InDesign too (also former designer)

It should be named SGQL -- Structured Graph Query Language to be more resemble SQL.

and we could pronounce it "sguiqle" or "squiggle"

Current one could be pronounced "geekle".

Somebody indeed built a unicorn from similar kind of project.

Install "Unhook" chrome extension. That changed my life.

I read the hacker hunting story of Cliff Stoll 35 years ago from a Thai computer magazine when I'm 12. I think he is a fairly good looking person from the photo in that monotone magazine. And I thought he must have a sage like personality.

I remember his name and search for him on the internet out of curiosity when I'm in my thirties. Whoa, he is indeed a mad scientist. :)

"Last but not least, I enjoy working with Rust much much more than with Python :)"

Wow. I'm so curios about Rust now.

yeah honestly I built 1 little mac app in Rust and now I'm using typescript and can't stop thinking about how I miss Rust's Option and Result

TS solves that too right? Just return a type "MyInterface | null". You can even make it a generic Option<T>, or Result<V, Err> which maps to type Result<V, Err> = V | Err. I'm on my phone but I think that compiles :D

Yes, I'm stoked you brought this up, as I had previously googled and found some articles that recommend doing this in typescript. I haven't tried it out yet though, mainly because it seems like every article has a different approach to production-ready error handling in typescript and I don't know the best approach. Do you / does anyone have any suggestions for articles etc. on this?

no I would just do what makes sense to me, which is what I commented. you can do exceptions or type the return values. sounds like you want to do the latter. handling it isn't as nice as in rust though, I agree. You could create a simple object to emulate it though like "ReturnValue { unwrap: fn, ifOk: fn, ifErr: fn } " where unwrap throws if invalid, ifOk returns true if the response is valid, and ifErr returns true if an err.


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