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Thank you for the project and detailed readme, very helpful.

thanks, very glad you liked the readme :)

i think he's just trolling - can't be that stupid.

GoogleGuest is an unsecured SSID at every campus, if you have one nearby. It generally reaches the parking lots (which are conveniently empty right now)

https://about.google/intl/en_us/locations/ ... not as isolated as I thought, waiting patiently for the geo-data people to work out an approximate census of people who live within a 50-mile radius of a google office. :-)

It sounds like a refugee camp with much, much better PR.

>If this were true why do ME refugees not want to stay there?

In Europe, west of it, they could earn much more. They don't want to go Romania either for example.

Take a look at the number of Syrian refugees each country hosts, compare it to their population and GDP if you feel like it.

Turkey have many problems dealing with its minorities, neighbours, even its own citizens, sure - but on this issue, maybe its time to get off your high horse, before calling any country nefarious. Are we really worse than Spain, worse than France, worse than UK? Why do they have a say in it without helping the problem in the slightest?

NATO's charter isn't "refugee caretaker of the world". It's a mutual defense pact. I'm not interested in playing word games around who is the most humanitarian country (Turkey would lose that one anyway) - I asked a specific, strategic question about what benefit Turkey adds to the rest of NATO alliance members.

What about buying billions of dollars of weapons from Russia? Does that qualify as grounds for expulsion from NATO?

What about arming and aiding a terrorist organization who is fighting with your NATO ally? Does this qualify?


Depends a bit on whether those weapons have internet access.

We used to pay people handsomely to get our hands on Russian weaponry to play with.

How are buying weapons from Russia grounds for expulsion from Nato?

NATO was formed as a deterrence against Russian aggression. To then buy weapons from them is a pretty big conflict of interest.

just looked at the first 5 pages - couldn't find anything that supports your claim though.

They hired him to be a tenured professor, but fired him before he started his job and argued that he wasn't hired yet in the first place. The lawsuit & settlement was about that.


some administrators had hidden some emails about the case - so the university had to settle.

the worst tldr i've read in a while.

I read a large chunk of it, and I didn't notice anything about asettlement -- this definitely puts a VERY different perspective on it.

The author provided a link in the article for the reasoning why he got fired. That link contained the controversial tweets about Israel and Gaza.

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