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Is there a way it could eventually function like a P2P version of archive.org, so that if anyone has a copy of a page (at a point in time I suppose?), it's available to anyone in the network?

If I understand correctly, right now it's more of a self hosted tool for personal archiving (which is great -- I'm a user myself), but something even more resilient harnessing network effects would be great to see.

I thought we're pretty clear that it's thanks to absolutely colossal mass, which... Can't really happen on earth since it requires the mass of a huge number of earths.

Then we need to find another way to generate fusion power, or admit that it's impossible to do on this planet.

Throwing lumps of cash at fusion power venture capital feels almost like a money-laundering fraud.

> Then we need to find another way to generate fusion power, or admit that it's impossible to do on this planet.

Yes. Here are the currently known alternatives off the top of my head:

* Fusion bomb

* Inertial electrostatic confinement (14 year olds have done this for highschool science fair projects)

* Virtual cathodes (Polywell, technically also an IEC variant)

* Magnetic confinement (Tokamaks: the big expensive doughnuts)

* Field-reversed configuration (technically also magnetic, but these are magnetic "smoke rings", Helion Energy does this)

* Z-pinch (again magnetic, but different)

* Laser confinement (NIF)

* Muon-catalyzed fusion (no chance of this becoming mainstream unless we can convince muons to stop decaying)

IIRC all of these have demonstrated that it's physically possible; some even show promise.

(I've been wanting to write a plasma physics simulation to see if I can improve on the Fusor design since I was at university; now chatGPT writes acceptable code, I keep asking myself why I've not yet made this happen…)

The whole fusion energy effort since 1950s is about finding another way.

At least it's not crypto and it's not actively hurting anyone.

Until the tritium leaks...

How's that one been re battery life?

Somewhere around 2 full days. I usually stick it on the charger when I sit down at my desk, and less than 30 minutes is plenty to get it back to 100%. 0 to 100 might take around an hour.

Yep and it's infuriating.


Works perfectly on pis scattered around the house.

I use an Nvidia shield and it has a Jellyfin app (along with basically anything else on Android, which is why it's been perfect for me). User friendly while still being flexible enough for most anything I want to throw at it.

ARM architecture I guess

under Features in [1]:

* Doesn't need to be a Raspberry Pi™, It runs on any x86_64 system

[1] https://pivpn.io/

If you're interested in the cutting edge of biomanufacturing, I'm happy to tell you about Perfect Day: www.perfectday.com

SiriusXM plays a huge role in aviation and maritime data (e.g. onboard weather). I bet things like this are a large portion of the revenue.

Wow - this is perfect. I would love literally exactly what you've described. Is there nothing out there - might be fun to take a crack at making it?

Please check https://lomorage.com

- Importing photos should be as easy as drag and drop or "add directory".

Check Lomorage web app and import tool.

- Images in the library should be mirrored to an internal store independent of the greater filesystem.

The storage can be on the external hard drive or remote mounted device.

- It needs to support rich tagging. Images should be easily enumerable by tag.

Tag will be added.

- It needs to store all metadata in a central database or file that I can easily distribute and back up. (As opposed to writing the data into the images directly.) It would be nice if the primary keys to image were signature-based rather than filename (and especially not full file path) as it could live on different systems.

All the metadata is stored in sqlitelite database and backup daily.

- Group by GPS coordinates would be nice. Even better if it can pull the location name.

GPS location already processed and stored in DB, currently support search by location, will add map view.

- Group by date taken.

The default view is by date taken, in reverse order, latest first.

- Find or automatically ignore/remove duplicates.

dedup done by file hash, also support similar photo dedup by using perception hash, will add in smart album.

- Support for a NAS or cloud backup would be fantastic. Especially if it also backs up the database.

Support redundancy backup with network mount.

- It should generate pre-computed thumbnails so scrolling a large library doesn't show blank images, but keep them off to the side so it doesn't impact backup.

- It should have RAW support, but doesn't need editing/adjustment capabilities. (If not available, I suppose I could pre-process the RAWs.)

Support iPhone dng raw format, others can be added.

- Video support would be extremely nice too, but it doesn't need to have any editing or miscellaneous features.

Support popular video formats supported on Android and iOS

- It would be nice to keep galleries separate, or at least in different namespaces so I can reuse tags. Family, real estate, conceptual/renders, etc.

Current support album and folders, the same concept with those on iPhone.

- Replication across multiple devices would be a nice to have, especially if it can update tags and metadata across machines.

Backup photos/videos and also metadata database on 2nd storage.

- Open source would be nice, but I'd be happy with paid/commercial software if it did what I wanted.

- Multiplatform support (Linux, Windows, Mac) would be extremely nice. Even nicer if it supports mobile too.

Multiple platform support, and has native mobile apps as well.

- It should be snappier than a web-based gallery.

Mobile first + Web APP

- That said, internet web access (like photos.google.com) would be killer.

Support external access via ngrok or other similar tunnel service, can also open port mapping on home router if having public ip address.

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