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correct, that is one of the problem I'm working on, happy to help.

> I read a post recently where someone bragged about using Kubernetes to scale all the way up to 500,000 page views per month. But that’s 0.2 requests per second. I could serve that from my phone, on battery power, and it would spend most of its time asleep.


I have some Anxiety feeling if the product being too few features.

thank you :)

I'm trying to record my self talking while operating something on my computer, I give up after 20+ retake, and end up pivoting to this kind of video.

I'm sorry If any of my narration makes you misunderstood

the AI did not give you https on localhost

the AI only assisting based on your question

pardon me for my bad english, english was not my native language and yet I forgot to use AI to correct my title

basically the title only say 10% of what this software can do, the other feature as visible on Lokal.so site

people might call it ngrok alternative, well it could, but ngrok doesn't have features like Lokal's do

so what's this software basically do is:

Share: your localhost with Public and https .local Address Debug: What's Incoming, Replay without triggering real WebHook Develop: further with AI Assistant help!

if you still don't understand about what this software could do, I'm afraid I'm running out of word to explain this on your-own terms.

appreciate it

interesting found, while the primary purpose of tailscale are easier P2P connection, I might take a look how this real Let's Encrypt certificate are being used for .local/custom FQDN and implement it on Lokal, appreciate it.

To do it they assign the host a subdomain under .ts.net. But your private host isn't exposed to the public internet, I assume they just have a dummy host there to respond to the ACME challenge from Let's Encrypt. When you have the Tailscale VPN installed, I assume it overrides the DNS for ___.ts.net to point to the private IP of your local host.


Go implementation at the end of article.

no sir, the default .local are still accessible

on Macbook, you could check General > Sharing > scroll the bottom and you will see something like RUBIs-MacBook-Pro.local, and it's still working.

I want it to be able to receive command to resend and modify a request

but I will never get it into launch if all I thinking is to add more features

so currently it's only providing related information of inspected request to the chat session, so our user don't manually copying context again to a chatgpt or similar.

interesting use case....

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