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Fixed, thanks!

You could use Drupal and the very versatile Webform module: https://www.drupal.org/project/webform

I use cleantalk on my Drupal website (but it's also available on other systems, such as WordPress) and only get a few spam comments a month. Its also cheap: 12 dollars a year and you can earn extra credits reporting spam comments that slip through.

Same here. I try to avoid Amazon as much as possible. In the Netherlands we do have 'Bol' but it basically boils down to the same thing: giving your money to one big player.

Another option is getting it at the Dutch Online Library but they have a limited selection.

In some cases you can buy the book directly from the author (like Derek Sivers) but that's more an exception than the rule.

I really wished there were more small e-book stores. Maybe focused on specific genres but so far I have been unsuccesful finding any.

Drupal has an excellent multi site solution with the domain access module with which you can share content between multiple domains/sites.

I'll never understand why Drupal never became as popular as WP.

I’ve seen drupal routinely implemented for larger clients, along with ezpublish and typo 3 at a previous job (i designed templates for these). The fact those were large projects that required multiple devs to implement led me to believe those were not a good fit for smaller projects/clients/personal sites.

Yeah, it's weird. All the modules (plugins) are free and open source as well so it looks like a no brainer. It probably has something to do with the steep learning curve which can be intimidating.

When you look at others, it sometimes seems like they have everything perfectly sorted out. The reality is that everyone is just figuring things out as they go. So, don't let that hold you back; just go ahead and do your thing.

I think (or hope) it's some combination between using real code (such as Storybook) in combination with a GUI. This has the following benefits: - There is only source of truth and it's the code - People who can't code (most designers) can still build prototypes with available components - No (manual) synchronization between code a drawing tool (Figma, Penpot) needed

At the moment it looks like UXPin is going in this direction.

Yep, I agree. And I agree that designers can't "code", but to be more specific, it's more that they shouldn't be implementing functionality. So if a designer is designing a calculator, and the calculator returns 1+1=3, then the designer is not liable for fixing it.

On the other hand, if by "writing code" we mean the literal act of writing something that both a human and a computer can understand, then that's a different question. Designers need to express nuance, and GUI tools are limited in their ability to handle complexity. There's a reason visual programming tools haven't overtaken code.

What I'm getting at is that there very well could be a "language" specifically tailored for UI/UX designers, that allows them to specify their design decisions for the presentational layer of the application. If you had such a language, you could create a toolchain on top of it, which produces real code for developers to consume however they wish.

I'm (slowly but steadily) working on this exact thing: https://matry.design

In my work, I deal with many different applications and websites. What stands out to me is that the same easily fixable errors are often made. In this blog are 7 tips that instantly improve the user-friendliness of your website or application.

I would like to note that there currently is no centralized Design System for the Dutch Government, unfortunately. All agencies are creating their own Design System based on the Rijkshuisstijl.

Currently I'm working on ROOS (https://rvo.nl/roos) which is the Design System for the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. This is build with the already mentioned NL Design System. My hope being that this will bring the different agencies together and start working on a centralized Design System for the Dutch Government and follow the excellent examples of https://design-system.service.gov.uk and https://designsystem.digital.gov/


Writing mostly about Drupal from a ambitious site builder/designer perspective. But lately I've been venturing into blogs about how to live a better, easier, more fulfilled life.

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