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But only OpenDOS 7.01, not older(DR DOS 3.30-7.00) or newer(7.02-8.0/8.1) versions.

OpenDOS isn't open-source, its source-available. The license reads more like trial software:

"Caldera grants you a non-exclusive license to use the Software in source or binary form free of charge if your use of the Software is for the purpose of evaluating whether to purchase an ongoing license to the Software. The evaluation period for use by or on behalf of a commercial entity is limited to 90 days; evaluation use by others is not subject to this 90 day limit but is still limited to a reasonable period"

The whole opendos thing is pretty questionable, too. CPM is open source as is its' derivatives. Cool so far. But is DR-DOS a derivative of it? Or is it bound by the 'non commercial' license of the 90's which a) was revoked b)isn't exactly open source (limits distribution) in the first place.

Microsofts' releases have the benefit of being unambiguous.

Helix Netroom[1] is missed in the article. Hope it will be in next part of series.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helix_Netroom

(sorry for being off-topic) regarding https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16308439, I wonder how is this project going?

I haven't done much on it since then. While it's something I would like to finish, I realized that there are other, higher priority things that I should do first.

You may give YEdit a try. http://www.malsmith.net/edit/

... so a Jujutsu Kaisen begins if getting a commit conflict?

Really sad jj wasn't short for "JoJo's Bazaar Gitventure".

It could work with the help with otvdm: https://github.com/otya128/winevdm

I wonder if you may consider emulating PowerPC NT as well?

Dang, I didn't realise NT for PowerPC can't be emulated. That's also a shame.

Without wanting to sound entitled, my preference is NT for Alpha. That's because Visual Basic 6.0 for Alpha exists, but not for PowerPC. Of course, as a retro computing enthusiast, I'll gladly take any.

As of now there is only MIPS.


The OpenGL is more 1.0 than 1.1... so it makes for interesting ports. I need to touch on that one too. so much to do..

K-Meleon's engine (i.e. Goanna 3.x) follows ArcticFox, which is trying to catch changes in Gecko 45 right now.

better try New Moon 28 which is XP compatible fork of Pale Moon.

Do you perchance happen to also be roytam1 on the official k-meleon forums[1] and other places[2][3]?

If so, thank you so much for your work! Also please get https://piped.video working in k-meleon somehow.

If you're not that RoyTam, I rescind the previous thank you, and the request.

[1] http://kmeleonbrowser.org/forum/read.php?19,154431,157231,pa...

[2] https://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/

[3] https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/

piped.video uses regular expression flag s which is unsupported by goanna3.

It does. There was SimCity 2000 for PocketPC by ZioSoft.

if you prefer old f-droid interface, you can try foxy droid https://f-droid.org/en/packages/nya.kitsunyan.foxydroid/

Love it. How did I miss this for so long? (Reckon I must have been living under a mushroom or something.)

Update. I like it, it's very similar to the old F-D v0.102.3 mentioned. Reckon I'm not alone, seems Foxy Droid's author shares similar views. Thanks. :-)

Much later....

This story has subsequently appeared on HN, it seems absolutely apt to include it here as it's directly relevant to the F-Droid UI matter: https://letterstoanewdeveloper.com/2023/03/06/understanding-...

OK, will do. Currently trying Neo Store which has also been suggested.

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