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I'm guessing that this practice is not possible in the European Union?

Extremely common practice.

> Google's own incompetence and lack of reliability

Google are not a hardware company, they are an advertising broker. They aren't in the least bit interested in anything that doesn't increase money from that core business. They only started making phones so as not to lose control over that advertising space, but they remain mediocre at it at best because that's enough for them.

Apple are a hardware company, that's where their focus is.

Can you give us a couple of examples?

Their one sided coverage of the Gaza conflict for a start. Go look at the front page today. It’s so one sided actually wonder who is funding the paper now, Qatar ? Absolutely zero balanced reporting there.

They have a lot of sensationalist “climate crisis” articles too.

I see the guardian as being a “social justice warrior publication” where they are so keen to dish out justice, they exaggerate far to much. They use reporting as a way to try sway people’s views, that’s not good journalism, and often leads to bias reporting.

There is so much left leaning content in there I need to always go read other sources just to come back to reality / found out more, and often the guardian hyped something up.

The mpox story from today is another example of that, they write:

“Outbreak resembles early days of HIV, say experts, urging accelerated access to vaccines and testing”

Early days of HIV? What ?

Like all good writing, this article is not about the subject in the title. This is the pertinent line :

> They are intellectually secure in the center of a vast mob; their wisdom was received, not crafted.

I love that development continues on Haiku, great work all. I was a big fan of BeOS back in the day (I still have a BeOS shirt :-)). A great user experience on top of some fantastic technical ideas.

I recently changed from Alacritty to WezTerm due to bugs in the former and I don't have any complaints so far. It is part of my daily professional workflow, works well with Tmux, under WSL. Great piece of software.

I went in the other direction and use Zellij for multiplexing. It works well for me, and I’ll be keeping an eye out for the Ghostty public beta to see how that compares. Great to have all these good options.

for myself, I couldn't find good reasons to keep using WezTerm vs Windows Terminal - not saying WezTerm is not capable terminal, of course.

Intel should never be directing its branding at the end user in the first place. Joe Public doesn't give a rats ass what is powering his device. Ask anyone off the street if they know who AMD are and what they produce. Concentrate on making good product and the device manufacturers will come to you.

>Ask anyone off the street if they know who AMD are and what they produce.

That's why Intel, AMD and Nvidia are super obnoxious with plastering laptop keyboards with their stickers. They want the consumers to know what's inside.

Intel has spent the last 25 years training consumers to look for the "intel inside" sticker. It's the only thing that's kept intel afloat while they butcher their engineering tallent.

People shouldn't care, but they do.

I'm not so sure nobody cares. Because of the apple's M1-3 machines battery life, people already associate ARM chips with power efficiency.

People will always want their laptop/tablet/phone batteries to last longer, and if makers of those devices know that consumers associate ARM with power efficiency, they will want to take advantage of that.

They know that the latest Apple laptop is the fastest, but they don't know an ARM from a leg, and neither should they need to.

apple: "Out latest laptop has <magic maguffin>!"

consumer, at the store: "why doesn't this thing have <magic maguffin>!? bring me something that has <magic maguffin>!!!"

One thing I learned when I started learning Kubernetes is that it is two disciplines that overlap, but are distinct none the less:

- Platform build and management - App build and management

Getting a stable K8s cluster up and running is quite different to building and running apps on it. Obviously there is overlap in the knowledge required, but there is a world of difference between using a cloud based cluster over your own home made one.

We are a very small team and opted for cloud managed clusters, which really freed me up to concentrate on how to build and manage applications running on it.

Hey Apple, are you listening? Pages, Numbers, Photos, Finder, Messages...

To be fair these are part of a preinstalled suite of native apps, an extension of the OS, rather than being part of the larger app ecosystem. You could argue that implicitly they have the brand-name in front: e.g. "Apple/Mac Photos" or "iMessage".

Every OS has a "Calculator" or something like "Notes", these are reasonable names. Just like you have Google/Apple "Maps" or "Calendar". It's standard to use such naming for apps within a branded suite.

Yeah, that's basically how I treat Google stuff with generic names: I call them "Google Maps", "Google Photos", etc. When I hear Apple users talk about their music service, they call it "Apple Music".

> Every OS has a "Calculator"

wait till you hear about iPadOS

Oh, they know. The arrogance is intentional.

Also Gnome

A true cure would be a change in the way male baldness is perceived by society.

It's baked into our nature, not something artificially created by society.

Even if we assume that's true, all sorts of negative things are "in our nature", yet we collectively choose to overcome them.

Signs of health and youthful vigor (full head of hair, nice teeth, being in shape, etc) will always be attractive.

>Signs of health and youthful vigor (full head of hair, nice teeth, being in shape, etc) will always be attractive.

Some people are working hard to change this, and making up terms like "fatphobic" to shame people who find in-shape people attractive.

Agreed, I find it amazing it's even called a "cure", as if baldness is an illness.

Sure, it can cause psychological issues, but so can short height or big nose or what-have-you, and we don't talk about "curing" those (except in some hormonal imbalance cases).

We literally do though? People are interested in surgeries to change their height and noses.

We do surgeries but I've never heard the term "curing your big nose" used. Perhaps those in the industry do, or maybe it simply does not translate between languages.

We do talk about curing anything that happens to human bodies that we don’t like, even if it’s a natural part of aging.

Baldness has been in fashion for nearly two decades. Between that and beards returning, this is a great time to be balding.

As unlikely as men suddenly becoming uninterested in shapely boobs or butts.

Both men and women are wired to find a good head of hair attractive.

Maybe, but I’m not 100% sold on this, given that fashion in hairstyle changes almost as fast as clothing fashion. Shaving various parts (or all) of the head is done in both men and women.

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