Click bait title, the password is not going away, unlike the dolphins who left earth...
>Creating a passkey on your Google Account makes it an option for sign-in. Existing methods, including your password, will still work in case you need them, for example when using devices that don't support passkeys yet. Passkeys are still new and it will take some time before they work everywhere. However, creating a passkey today still comes with security benefits as it allows us to pay closer attention to the sign-ins that fall back to passwords. Over time, we'll increasingly scrutinize these as passkeys gain broader support and familiarity.
You're thinking of having 50 attempted hobbies that you pretend you'll get back to one day. (I know; I have ADHD too.)
But McCarthy meant that he had 50+ concurrent consistently-actively-pursued hobbies/passions.
Which is something that's possible... if you have a lot of time on your hands, and you never allow anything into your life that drains you mentally so much that doing it kills your motivation to do anything else for the rest of the day. (Which IMHO is really only an option for people who are either retired, "independently wealthy", or being homeschooled.)
Everything a pathology, innit mate? ADHD is only ADHD if it impairs your functioning. If you're interested in a lot and can complete things then it's clearly not a disorder. And the man has written many books so clearly does not have an attention disorder.
I swear, I did not read this before writing my response about pathologizing to the same post. I guess it's a type of thinking that presents a pretty narrow target. Easy to recognize as a crutch once you're aware of it.
If you are clinically unable to persue and enjoy them maybe it is ADHD.
I myself paint watercolor and oil, am learning violin, joined a sailboat race team, am writing a book, started my own successful business that earns my living, lift weights, read 35 books, hiked 1000 miles of the AT, and became a volunteer firefighter, all this year. I'm currently designing a cabin I want to build. I'm having a blast. I definitely don't do as much with any of these hobbies as someone who only has one hobby, but I don't care, give me variety!
There's nothing wrong with being a dilettante. Definitely no need to pathologize it as part of ADHD. Dilettantism has led to some amazing art and music over time.
This year I had vacation for Christmas and New Years... but then I got covid on a plane to SF. I stayed 10 days in quarantine in a hotelroom (with only two days of mild symptoms). Today I finished quarantine and tomorrow ill be flying back to europe... thank you everyone who worked through Christmas and thank you for your service sandworm101
You're right I already did fill out a form and probably will get them back, maybe I try to get my birthday off now... Christmas would have been nice but when you read trough all these comments here I'm sill lucky anyway
There is usually a Discord associated with each project (including the one in this post)
Public NFT trading telegrams are a very noisy/scam-y scene, I think that many people gravitate towards smaller private ones with a circle of <50 friends.