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Page 384/385, "H.14 Good Programming Practices Checklist" seems interesting

I think you win the comment thread

Aviate means to get the aircraft under control, straight and level as you say. Maintaining or correcting the position and direction of the aircraft, navigation, is of lower priority than keeping it under control. The idea behind the saying is to encourage the pilot to not prioritize maintaining altitude, heading, flight path, rules and regulations (or even following air traffic control instructions) over focusing on keeping the plane in the air. Communicating your situation, intent, and deviations to ATC and surrounding traffic is again a lower priority.

Indeed, I pretty much treat userspace as C:\temp, considering how much it gets messed with. Anything that requires consistent behavior needs to live in the root.

If I am reading this correctly then it resembles the behavior of the Confluence/JIRA text input windows.

I did too! I bought the smallest size and at $30 it is pricier than some alternatives but it feels nice to buy a real product instead of a knockoff with a random brand name. If memory serves me correctly, most of them also don't go in the "right direction" in regards to how time moves on the clock.

Nice, I was exactly the same, I looked at the alternatives and I put of buying it for some time due to cost, in the end just went for it as I realised although expensive for a timer, it wasn't a massive cost. It's been useful so far.

Great to see Opus mentioned, it has been my file manager of choice for many years now.

That is an unfortunate acronym.

As the proud new owner of a leap day baby, I find this to be extra hilarious

I was at the hospital and heard two babies being born. I love that music.



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