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> we bought new construction and didn't have to compete with anyone

In my market this isn't the case. Some builders are having literal blind auctions on small lot starter homes - after the X months wait list gets you there.

There is a lot of greed driving home sales right now. Every homeowner I know has at least considered making bank in this market. The only thing stopping them is they'll then need to buy a home cheaper and further out or lose that profit.

My two-layers out suburb of an attractive city had a coworker sell their starter-esque home purchased a few years ago for $350k sell for $620k-ish in the matter of three days. Meanwhile, I'm languishing hoping to buy my first home before I'm too old. About to permanently give up.

As a PHP developer, this is spot on. I'm biased, though. I believe symfony is a vital component of modern PHP.

And it would fill mine with glee. Lifelong Texan.

I wouldn't count on rural Texas stunting any growth. It's where the suburbs of tomorrow and current/coming new housing builds are.

> only interested in FAANG money and being able to retire early

That should tell you the problem.

The source is available if you want to know what's going on with those permissions: https://github.com/internetarchive/wayback-machine-chrome

Thanks. I already knew that. I'm familiar with the dev's extensions. Clear Browsing Data and Captcha Buster and very useful.

So it should be beyond examination or critique?

I've lost all trust in Amazon and competitors. I try to buy direct from the company producing the product when I can. The shipping times aren't much different. Maybe no same or next day.

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