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I'm still pretty new to devops and I personally love Jenkins but man is it a PITA at times. My biggest gripe is that every plug-in seems to be no longer actively maintained. We really on a huge list of plug-ins and in some cases upgrading Jenkins will break plug-ins. It's gotten to the point where I'm afraid to update to even minor or patch versions.

For anyone searching, the timestamp is 27:30


Tangentially related but, Zyzz was also a hugely popular member of the BB forum. He was known as having one of the most desirable physiques and had a big personality (he frequently posted videos of himself at the club).

It was then discovered he was using steroids, which caused some of the community to hate him. He got booked for a reality show, but then died due to an undiagnosed heart defect.


It wasn't discovered he was using steroids this was common knowledge from day 1

not natty bro

You’re confusing bb.com with DatBTrue. Zyzz was not a member of the latter

Yeah, I could have worded that better. I know Zyzz was on bb.com only (well, and 4chan).

It would be super rad if someone plugged this dataset into CMU Sphinx. Google is the only decent ASR and a competitive open source alternative would be awesome. A big thank you to Mozilla for this dataset.

This comment hits the nail on the head for me.

Pick a cloud provider. Spin up an instance that will be your server. Spin up an instance that will be your DB. Make your DB only listen to your server instance. Make your server instance only listen on port 80/443.

As long as your app isn't vulnerable to SQL injection type stuff, that's probably enough security for an MVP, and this kind of set up puts you on the right track for scalability.

Source: am DevOps.

Me too :]

Are you saying the tech industry doesn't have a diversity problem? Isn't the gender ratio all the evidence you need?

It's not clear what it's evidence of. At the very least, it's part of a very large, universal, and systemic body of societal evidence that

(1) Women and men tend to (when considering large numbers) choose different professions when they are choosing freely for themselves

(2) The more egalitarian and socially inclusive a society is, the more the differences between women and men are exaggerated, especially in career choices.

I want women and men to choose occupations that are easy for them to find long term meaning in. I don't want my girls choosing STEM because they feel like they're less-than if they don't.

Here's a reductio ad absurdum: is it a diversity and inclusion problem that there are almost no female bering sea crab fisherwomen or oil rig workers? Men are more willing to choose more lethal professions, it's part of what our hormones tell us to do.

However, and this is where things get interesting, but as we equalize genders more, the stereotypes DO break down. Girls at a young age play with tonka trucks (if those even exist still). And start wearing pants. More people are gay, but also more people are doing jobs that they would have rather done. The sex we see in porn stops objectifying women, perhaps men instead even.

I definitely see more women in construction, more men in nursing, and definitely in non-Western countries women in software development.

Yeah the data contradict your assertions about career choices. I don't want "I definitely see"s. Data is not the plural of anecdote.


EDIT: To be clear, I wish you were right. I want you to be right. But you're just not, and it's slightly tragic, but mostly the data should cause us to reorient ourselves around how we interpret the data, because the social constructionists' theories are just wrong.

I just realized what you might have been reacting to in my last sentence. It should have been "I definitely see.... than about 10 years ago" or something to that effect. I didn't mean there are more women in construction - stop. Sorry about that.

Personally witnessed a few extremely technical women (one of them an ex boss) who, in general could hold up a CS or specific data flow discussion with me that I came up with. She would be on the same page in less than a minute. No other male employee I have ever been in company was able to do what she did (you'd have to have met her). She was from China originally, is a very active CTO in a SV company. She has women friends in similar situations. I'm not saying that you have to be chinese, but the evidence of they way we bring up women in western societies is a much much stronger determiner of personal preferences than "hormones LOL". (And not that China doesn't have other problems either)

> they way we bring up women in western societies is a much much stronger determiner of personal preferences

That's what I'm saying the data explicitly disproves.

Look, this might come as a shock, but let me lay out what everyone on both sides of this argument believes: Everyone who chooses the profession and performs well should be included. The contention is whether their genetics should matter, and those who reject the assertion that there's an inclusion problem answer "no".

Here's a more direct point: the fact that women tend not to choose STEM tells you nothing about each individual woman. The mere fact that someone got the job is explicit evidence that they're probably just as capable as everyone else that got the job. Membership in a social class as defined by the progressive left is just... meaningless. As it should be. #MLK

We can't compare high-risk jobs with IT, for obvious reasons. I'm merely suggesting a correlation between the proliferation of alcohol in our industry, the parties, the trade shows, with the prevalence of young white males in our line of work.

I merely found data which loosely supports (and you could successfully argue that it has no correlation) my hypothesis.

It's not clear what the obvious reasons are.

There's a very large body of universal, systemic evidence that women are (in large numbers) more interested in people than things, and vice versa for males. IT is a very thing-oriented industry. When women choose not to do IT freely of their own preferences, we should not react by suggesting that men are the problem.

No, and no, but the point is the author should be inviting those that disagree to read, not trying to fence them out.

You're right, and I won't make that mistake again.

It is all the evidence you need if you don't care about sound statistics.

I would think someone would at least want to look at the demographics of people applying vs people getting hired vs people qualified vs demographics of the general population.

Would you apply this logic to other industries?

Does nursing have a diversity problem? How about mining?

no. that’s poor thinking. you have to prove the ratio is caused by what you say it’s caused by and not sometbing else.

Is the gender ratio in prisons evidence of the matriarchy? Is the gender ratio in teaching because of systematic bias against men? What about the gender ratio in that more women graduate college than men?

James Demore trolls perhaps?

I learned a different version of this, especially relevant to those in the Bay Area.

During a gold rush, don’t dig for gold, sell shovels!

In the movie Take Your Pills, they mention Warhol taking a drug similar to Adderall. Wikipedia says it was Obetrol[1]. As an amphetamine I imagine it had a profound effect on him and his art.

Though it is fascinating that he never participated in parties. That is totally not the narrative I bought into with him. How good at fooling us he was.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obetrol

He was always observing.

Someone you would refer to as boring and creepy

Also, very intelligent, imaginative, talented, and creative. But still, I admit, creepy.

I'm reminded of Marilyn Manson, née Brian Hugh Warner. Not to compare them, of course. But according to his autobiography, The Long Hard Road Out of Hell, he was also "boring and creepy" as a child. But somehow he made it work. As did Warhol, on a much larger scale.

It is easier to focus on the negative qualities of the outsiders, thanks for reigning me back into the light.

And often with a camera ;)

Looks like someone could use pgbouncer :)

It's MySQL


exactly! :D

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