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How come, is dejanews.com being gone due to some failure of/at Google groups?

Google owned dejanews.com

I love the idea of beeper, but worried about the reliability of the bridges. This is super cool and give me a bunch of ideas though. Also hoping Sunbird has some other way to solve this problem.

Intered to know more about "MS Teams Scrum", got a link or something?

My client uses Azure DevOps for ticketing and scrum processes, and that integrates nicely with Teams (pipelines, bugs, user stories, etc). It works pretty well and can be customized.

Indeed, it was Azure DevOps. I had linked it with Teams as it was accessed through that, or so I remember.

Amen! I share these thoughts and plan of action completely.

Yup, just tried for rust -- got lots of industrial companies

100% agree on redpanda

This is really awesome, thanks for the post!

I work for a US Stock Exchange, and some of the technologies that we rely on are not permitted in the cloud. The performance metrics we need are usually only achievable on highly tuned bare metal deployments as well so cloud is usually not an option. I guess it really depends on your workload, but I think there is a very healthy amount of production being deployed and worked on businesses own datacenter/private clouds.

Just because an operating system is "old" is not a reason to change it... Also it is still supported: https://wiki.centos.org/FAQ/General#head-fe8a0be91ee3e7dea81...

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