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xz most likely wasn't the only library that was targeted, there could be other similar projects as well which we haven't discovered yet. From the timeline you can see the social engineering part was quite big part.

Just thinking out loud, would it possible to go over with LLM and analyse existing OSS mailing lists and issues to classify such sentiment from the users?

I am using a similar structure a single text file usually split by each day, which also gives a good start to writing my standup notes.

I tried to avoid bringing in some strange formatting rules etc, quite free form. With a single file, it's effortless to go back and find out maybe why something was done in that way or why it wasn't done at all.

Looks kind of like a work diary to me, I have seen people trying to do a similar thing by bringing too much structure/org modes etc and making it so complicated that they forgot at first why they are doing it.


Interesting news, I hope to see the WASM based postgres for dev machine integration tests definitely would make things easier then the current setup through Docker based containers.

The problem with Bun currently is the missing killer feature, there is no absolute reason to switch over or I might be wrong?

I suspect it's going to be the FFI integration.

On my machine (M1 pro), Bun calling into a C library and running a no-op is 15x faster than Python calling a no-op function. V8 has never had stable bindings but Bun is changing the game with a TinyCC JIT-compiled FFI that yields a simple API.

    $ bun bench.js
    3.5331715910204884 nanoseconds per iteration

    $ python3 -m timeit -s 'def f(): pass' 'f()'
    5000000 loops, best of 5: 53.8 nsec per loop

For me it seems that Google search basically has leverage to either make more money or show more useful results to their customers and they have chosen the first option to make more money.

I agree with the article points definitely, also quite surprised that this issue hasn't raised by google itself or the money outweighs the product usefulness in this area? Non english searches are even worse, usually some huge companies create their landing pages which get higher SEO/paid keyword scores then the actual useful pages.

Doing the reddit trick also for the reviews, but at some point it would also get broken as some marketing people will ruin it by buying reviews etc. Authentic reviews on products/services looks like unsolved problem :) (startup idea).

Looking for a similar solution, I had one Huawei USB 3G stick lying around and used that with RPI 3. Everything worked just fine but after a couple of days it would randomly disconnect and wouldn't restore the connection so currently, I am looking for some 3G/4G router to do the same job.

When I moved into my new house but the internet fiber was not yet activated I also used a Pi with a Huawei 3g dongle as gateway for my home. Most expensive internet I had to use for 3 weeks.

Didn't have any reconnects though but I had a script running checking the connection and if it failed it would re dial

I really like HS especially filling the macOS missing features place like for windows management + either opening/focusing specific applications with shortcuts.

I am using also similar append only log like for every day, I usually try to write down the flows/random ideas/doing/done items there. I haven't brought in a structure overhead so everything is in a single file(couple thousand lines long) plain text file. My main idea is to keep everything sectioned by dates # dd-mm-YYYY # which is really great. I use sublime search and grep which works really great to lookup some older context and commands. Also going back to couple years old notes is really easy and valuable why some of the decisions were made.


What tools/apps are you using to figure out the size of applications and directories that are using the most?

I don't know what the paper used, but I like DiskUsage from F-Droid.

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