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Will the real Aleph Null please stand up?

It’s much better with uv, but nothing beats the ergonomics of running go mod tidy && go run script.go.

I wish Python had a native way to build self-contained executables like Go. The binary would be larger since it’s a dynamically interpreted language, but as long as it’s self-contained, I wouldn’t mind.

I mean... at first blush it seems like `./scriptname` which is what the `uv` shebang provides beats having to remember two commands and && them together.

It’s easier to do in some languages than in others. I write all my scripts in Python for Python projects and in Go for Go projects. Then, the scripts are called from Make targets.

But doing it in Kotlin is pushing it too far in my book. Kotlin compilation is slow, and running the scripts is nowhere near as ergonomic as running python -m script or go run script.go.

I prefer using a Makefile over creating a CLI. Adding and removing Make targets is trivial and doesn’t require me to fiddle with CLI entry point code. But Make syntax is fugly, so I keep the targets lean, and they mostly just invoke the scripts.

This is all good, but will it be able to penetrate the 12-inch German walls in my apartment effortlessly? WiFi reception was pretty good when I used to live in cardboard houses. But now 5GHz struggles a lot with the thick concrete walls at my place.

2.4Ghz should penetrate your walls better, but maybe not enough better to matter? Wifi 6 and 7 run on 2.4, 5, and 6 Ghz (wifi 6e), as opposed to wifi 5 (ac) which was 5ghz only, so if 2.4ghz is viable for you, you'll get some help from an upgrade.

Some of the coordination stuff might help you run multiple APs, but with strong attenuation from walls, you might not have much overlap anyway.

pros and cons of very thick walls i guess…it’s difficult to make changes to your home.

Wifi 7 (6ghz) barely penetrates a single “drywall” wall (in U.S.). It will have a very hard time penetrating thick concrete / brick walls.

in your case if you wanted good wifi 7 signal in all rooms you’d probably need to run wired backhaul and install an access point per room. Probably not worth it. It might make sense to have wifi 7 in your living / dining space though. Especially if you have an open kitchen.

Why the scare quotes around drywall? It's just gypsum board. If you have plastered walls it's the same thing. But it needs far less skill to install correctly since the sheets are manufactured, smooth, and you just have to hang them.

you’re 100% correct.

i added the “” because i wasn’t sure if everyone would be familiar with the slang, especially those living outside the US.

If Wifi 7 (6ghz) cannot penetrate dry wall does it have much application for home users?

depends on the user. The short answer is it’s worth it if your wifi airspace is very congested or if you have a use case for wifi 7 speeds, such as moving large files around your LAN often.

The 6ghz band has poor range but this can be a benefit actually. It means your neighbors 6ghz signal can’t flood your home like their 2.4ghz and 5ghz can. So there’s very little interference on the 6ghz band. This also means a more stable connection and a little lower latency.

If your wifi works well today i wouldn’t bother upgrading. Unless it’s a fun hobby purchase.

The fact that 6 GHz Wifi cannot penetrate walls is a great feature for people living in apartment buildings. The 2.4 GHz band is insanely overcrowded.

The best of both worlds would be to install 6 GHz access points in each room, and run a wired connection between them.

You can get powerline/wifi kits...sometimes installing your own Ethernet isn't feasible.

There are also MoCA kits which allow you to use the existing coax cabling.

Any benefit of thick concrete walls other than weird flex?

AFAIK modern building materials are better for environment, insulation, repairs, build time and cost.

Source: dad was a builder and inspector for 50 years in eastern europe. I’ve grown up in german house from 1890. He’s helping to work on my “cardboard” house in NZ now. Big aspect of course is - houses are built to the local conditions and market, but he loathes block/concrete houses back home. They are being replaced by cardboard homes too.

Sound insulation, I can’t trust builders these days to put enough insulation between apartments in mass timber buildings

Then you shouldn't be trusting them build concrete house either lol.

And I'm not entirely sure what part of the house they're calling cardboard. It's typically concrete foundation, wood framing, and drywall (i.e. gypsum i.e. stone) walls.

Drywall doesn't deserve the hate, it's fantastic. Flame resistant, cheap to repair and replace, easy to cut and penetrate to install drops run wires. Wiring my whole house with ethernet was a single day affair because of it.

Thermal insulation is usually better in concrete apartments. Also, when I was working in the US, the places I lived were mostly "cardboard" houses by default. In Germany, I don't have much choice. So in my case, it's not even weird flex.

"cardboard" houses have insulation in the walls. Meanwhile I can't imagine how solid (?) concrete would have better insulating properties than fiberglass insulation sandwiched between two "cardboard" walls.

Already having them in place without moving would be the main benefit

The good thing is that you don't have any interference.

Blogging pushes me to explore things I probably wouldn’t otherwise. That’s been the main reason I’ve stuck with it pretty consistently[1] for the past five years.

Getting attention was never the goal, so the rise of LLMs has mostly been background noise to me. There have been plenty of times when I’ve searched for something on Google, only to land on my own page.

Over the years, though, things picked up. Now, I’m seeing around 30k monthly readers—way more than I ever expected. More than once, I’ve written about something I barely understood, only for the post to hit the front page. Then people corrected me, and I learned a ton in the process. That’s something I wouldn’t trade for anything.

[1]: https://rednafi.com/

Me too! These last two posts blogging about blogging are unusual for me. I'm working through a book (Sebastian Raschka's "Build an LLM from scratch") and posting about that at the moment. It's likely not a coincidence that I'm procrastination-posting before going through the trickiest bit...

I love reading meta-writings at times, as long as there’s a real human behind the keyboard. This was a fun, quick read.

Really enjoyed reading about your blog stack, motivating me to get my own up and running.

Love the blog!

Thank you. One reason I wrote it was to demonstrate how easy it is to spin up a blog where everything is automated and you never have to worry about the infra.

I’ve tried building a static react blog and hosting it on vercel and while it was easy to set up there was just too much styling and configuration to sort through that by the time it came to writing i was pretty much unmotivated. Markdown seems to be the key here, going to try spinning one up tomorrow. Cheers.

Yeah, landing on your own blog post during a search is always a funny (and slightly surreal) moment!

Funny indeed. I recently needed to set up GNU stow to manage my dotfiles on a new machine.

So I searched google and lo and behold, my own stuff was among the top 10 results.


It’s probably geared toward someone like me. JVM and parens are one angle.

Another is that I get paid to work with distributed systems and databases, and Clojure isn’t even part of the discussion in that sphere. Go, Rust, and the usual Python and Node dominate there, so it’s hard for me to care.

However, I dislike language monoculture and am curious about why people like the things I might not care about. This blog is for those.

> distributed systems and databases, and Clojure isn’t even part of the discussion in that sphere

I'm not sure what a programming language has to do with distributed systems and databases, but as another data point, I happily work with distributed systems and databases, using Clojure :-)

(see also https://jepsen.io which I would very much call a "part of the discussion in that sphere", written in Clojure)

I thought distributed system is exactly one of the things that got Clojure going to begin with. Remember Storm?

As to databases, there are a fountain of databases emerging from the Clojure ecosystem: Datomic, Datascript, Datalevin, XTDB, and friends aside, there is Rama, which is a distributed database (or to replace database?)

It’s great, and I learned a ton from Rich Hickey, despite not fully grokking Clojure or FP in general. I briefly worked at a small Clojure shop with an extremely talented crew. People were excited about FP and writing real business logic with it. My stack was different there.

The problem started when the honeymoon phase ended, and the codebase grew as the business gained traction. Dynamic typing became a burden, and once the key people moved on, they struggled to hire developers who wanted to write Clojure.

Also, JVM juju shooed many away. After I left, a coworker told me they had started rewriting part of it in Go, and that was going alright. Now, their stack mostly consists of Python for LLM stuff and Go for the main backend. There’s still some Clojure running legacy systems that haven’t yet been migrated over.

>>Also, JVM juju shooed many away. After I left, a coworker told me they had started rewriting part of it in Go, and that was going alright.

Golang can make even Python look terse.

There's practically 0 abstractions to meaningfully tame large code bases. You just end up writing same/similar code patterns over and over again.

If you are willing to go down that path I'd recommend using Java entirely. You get the full enterprise thing.

I’ve been having a lot of fun messing with clojure, but the dynamic typing really grates on me.

At your clojure job, we’re y’all using spec? I haven’t looked into it yet, and I’m wondering how much it mitigates the annoyances of dynamic types

I don't think spec with solve issues you are having about dynamic types.

Spec is about asserting structure at domain boundaries; once you're inside a context, it will not do anything.

i.e. If you're connecting stuff together and you want to make sure the state is correct as you pass between contexts -> great!

If you're writing stuff and internally you miss having a strong type system... uh... I don't think it's really going to help you.

why not just program to protocols?

For complex data structures I typically just hide details behind a protocol and deal with the set of interface functions.

You can then freely mess with the internals and not worry about details

I don't know enough about protocols. Will the compiler stop you if you misuse them?

The compiler will not know if a protocol is not passed to a function expecting a protocol. Whereas a static typing language will not compile.

Similarly nothing prevents invoking missing functions of a protocol, you will only know during runtime.

Well you're typically not thinking of a compilation step with Clojure.. so I found the original question a bit not-applicable

The goal isn't to introduce .. a compilation step? but to have the program blow up in the spot where there is an type mismatch. If you don't use a protocol you may not blow up, you may generate a nil, and you may blow up much further down the line (or not at all)

In the rare instances where dynamic types cause problems, they're virtually always something convoluted like that. The protocol design pattern describes the interface and protects you from hard to debug situations

In my experience (mainly when trying to understand the implementation of core.logic), the problem with protocols is that the code inspection tools choke on them.

It was in alpha stage and changing rapidly when they were considering it. But it’s similar to Python’s type hints and isn’t enforced by the compiler. However, that’s better than nothing.

In what way is clojure.spec similar to python's type hints? O_o

The tooling around static types is worlds better than any tooling around spec - it's not like working with a static typing system, unfortunately.

Coming from a love of strong typing (scala) clojure dynamic typing was a real adjustment.

One thing I grew to really love is how small my changes were when I’m just adjusting a decidedly brownfield chain of functions that operate on data. With go in place at work, I added a couple fields to a core data type in my business and I ended up with thousands of lines of changes to pipe them everywhere. Doing the corresponding change in clojure would be <100 lines. I do miss the feeling I get with Haskell that if it type checks, I’m (maybe) good, but like Rich says “List[A] -> List[A] tells me almost nothing about the reverse function.”

The Haskell type `[x] -> [x]` (the equivalent of `List[A] -> List[A]`) tells you an incredible amount about the function. It tells you that the function must calculate a subset of a permutation of the input list. The function cannot be anything else (or else it will crash or hang). In a language with stricter requirements you can omit even the crash/hang caveat.

Don't underestimate the amount of information even simple type signatures contain!

Not necessarily a permutation; e.g.

    f :: [a] -> [a]
    f [] = []
    f (x:xs) = x: x: f xs

Yeah, Hickey was just wrong about this. For me, watching his talks goes like this:

Hickey: I value X, Y, Z

Me: Yeah man!

Hickey: We get great consequences A, B, C

Me: Ah yeah, I love programming like that. That's why I love Haskell!

Hickey: That's why Haskell is bad.

Me: err, what!?

> It tells you that the function must calculate a subset of a permutation of the input list

As tromp pointed out, "permutation" is technically incorrect. You mean something like "a list formed only from elements of the elements of the input list, and the particular arrangement is independent of the values of the input list"!

Not sure why you were downvoted though.

I think what he’s saying is the type signature alone isn’t enough, but in some languages like Haskell, people do imagine if the program type checks, it’s good. But that isn’t necessarily true, you need a ton of other context to actually have a proper functioning program, and the reverse function is an example of this.

I didn’t say Haskell was bad though. I love Haskell in a different way from clojure.

Rich’s point is the type signature actually tells you little about what the function does. You need the name, docs, tribal knowledge, your own understanding of the math… etc. to actually understand what it does. Type signature alone is a very incomplete understanding. But come on, do you think I learned how to write Haskell and don’t understand what a type signature’s value is? Give me a little credit.

Here is Rich’s work on the subject: https://youtu.be/YR5WdGrpoug?si=7C8EjQ7TVo2Ua8w7

I’m biased, but I think he’s got a point.

And didn’t appear on the front page of the orange site.

Yo, this shit could be a tight JavaScript app with a reactive frontend. Y’all geezers still fuckin’ with them shell commands? /s

Give this man an electron app!

I’m curious about two things:

- the stack

- the source of your collection (seeing my write up there is flattering)

both are answered on the faq page in detail: https://indieblog.page/faq

quick answer: php+sqlite and a hackernews thread. nowadays mostly submissions.

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