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…of the 63% who bothered themselves to vote.

No sympathy for them this time, they knew what they were doing.

This argument no longer holds much water, since this election was only beat by 2020 in terms of turnout and even that was very marginal.

Remember that around 80% of the population lives in states that effectively render their votes worthless because of the electoral college.

... or weren't purged from the voter rolls or were otherwise prevented from voting.

What's the point in voting? My district boundaries were redrawn to ensure my vote isn't heard.

You have the option of voting for a third party candidate. They won't win, but over multiple election cycles this increases the odds that a third party could eventually present a credible alternative.

Increases the odds from 0.00001% to 0.00002%.

In a democracy anyone wo doesn't vote should be considered to have voted for the winner as they were equally OK with any outcome.

In most states the electoral college representatives are not meaningfully bound to the vote as popularly voted. It is more of a cast for a suggestion, and they have on many occasions voted a different way in the college which is the real vote for president.

Perhaps, but the US isn't a functioning democracy.

Prediction: We'll hear that magically Truth Social has sourced sufficient funds that will enable it to make an offer for TikTok.

I suspect that this was the original plan, and that the ban was a bluff in order to incentive this. Thus why both Biden and Trump are "panicking" about it.

Just lock the screen and you’re good to go for keyboard cleaning.

With a locked screen, key presses go to the password field. I have twice caused my user account to become disabled due to too many password attempts while cleaning my keyboard.

A pro tip from a Mac sysadmin who gets to clean a lot of filthy laptops: https://folivora.ai/keyboardcleantool

What's the equivalent of "locking the screen" for cleaning an Apple TV's paired remote?

Tell the Apple TV to restart and you have 15 seconds to clean the remote.

When you start up a business from scratch you quickly become familiar with bank requirements for a personal guarantee. The LLC will not protect you from personal financial exposure in the full amount of all your business credit facilities, loans, leases, etc.

Just plain whelming seems to fit the bill.

I’d say that whelming would be the hypernym.

Maybe isowhelming.

Radio Paradise is good for this.

"We love the red line concept! Can you please work that into the rest of the design?"

They'll still have Atlas Shrugged.

Adversarial built-in AirTags.

The cyclist’s epitaph: “He had the right of way”.

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