Exactly, mechanically by tools, environmentally by science, metaphysically by philosophy. An AI can only become an I by crossing a singularity of knowledge.
Another app nobody has made is a simple random music player. Tried VLC on Android and adding 5000+ songs from SD card into a playlist for shuffling simply crashes the app. Why do we need a play list anyway, just play the folder! Is it trying to load the whole list at the same time into memory? VLC always works, but not on this task. Found another player that doesn't require building a playlist but when the app is restarted it starts from the same song following the same random seed. Either save the last one or let me set the seed!
pkg install mplayer
cd /sdcard/Music
find -type f | shuf | head -1 | xargs mplayer
(Or whatever command-line player you already have installed. I just tested with espeak that audio in Termux works for me out of the box and saw someone else mentioning mplayer as working for them in Termux: https://android.stackexchange.com/a/258228)
- It generates a list of all files in the current directory, one per line
- Shuffles the list
- Takes the top entry
- Gives it to mplayer as an argument/parameter
Repeat the last command to play another random song. For infinite play:
while true; do !!; done
(Where !! substitutes the last command, so run this after the find...mplayer line)
You can also stick these lines in a shell script, and I seem to remember you can have scripts as icons on your homescreen but I'm not super deep into Termux; it just seemed like a trivial problem to me, as in, small enough that piping like 3 commands does what you want for any size library with no specialised software needed
> Another app nobody has made is a simple random music player.
Marvis on iOS is pretty good at this. I use it to shuffle music with some rules ("low skip %, not added recently, not listened to recently")[0] and it always does a good job.
[0] Because "create playlist" is still broken in iOS Shortcuts, incredibly.
I'm pretty sure the paid version of PowerAmp for Android will do what you want, with or without explicitly creating a playlist.
I have many thousands of mp3s on my phone in nested folders. PowerAmp has a "shuffle all" mode that handles them just fine, as well as other shuffle modes. I've never noticed it repeating a track before I do something to interrupt the shuffle.
Earlier versions (>~ 5 years ago) seemed to have trouble indexing over a few thousand tracks across the phone as a whole, but AFAIK that's been fixed for awhile now.
I can recommend PowerAmp. I've been using it for over a decade and it's been pretty happy with updating my 20,000+ song collection and my 1,000+ song playlist that I sync with an graphical ssh/rsync wrapper (although I've actually been switching to an rclone wrapper, RoundSync, in the last few months).
My personal favorite feature that I got addicted to back when I was using Amarok in KDE 3 was the ability to have a playlist and a queue that resumes to the playlist when exhausted. Then I can listen to an album in order, and then go back to shuffling my driving music playlist when that's done.
Anything that just shuffles on the filesystem/folder level works for this. Even my Honda Civic's stereo does it. Then you have iTunes, which uses playlists, and doesn't work. It starts repeating songs before it exhausts the playlist.
Ah, the old “should a random shuffle repeat songs” debate. Haven’t thought about that in years.
I’m with you in that I think shuffle should be a single list of all songs, played in a random order. But that requires maintaining state, detecting additions and updating the list, etc.
Years ago, a friend was adamant that shuffle should mean picking a random song from the list each time, without state, and if that means the same song plays five times in a row, well, that’s what random means.
> I think shuffle should be a single list of all songs, played in a random order. But that requires maintaining state, detecting additions and updating the list, etc.
You should be able to accomplish this with trivial amounts of state (as in, somewhere around 4 ints).
As an example, I'm envisioning something based on Fermat's little theorem -- determine some prime `p` at least as big as the number of songs you have (N), then to determine the next song, use n := a*n mod p for fixed choice of 1 < a < p, repeating as necessary as long as n > N. This should give you a deterministic permutation of the songs. When you get back to the first song you've played, you can choose to pick a new `a` for a new shuffle, or you can just keep that permutation.
If the list of songs changes, pick new a, p, and update n to be the new position of your current song (and update your notion of "first song of this permutation").
(Regarding why this works: you want {a} to be a generator for the multiplicative group formed by Z/pZ.)
Linear congruential generators have terrible properties if you care about the quality of your randomness, but if all you're doing is shuffling what order your songs play in, they're fine.
Thanks!! I've been looking for an algo to draw pixel positions in a pseudorandom way only once. I didn't know a way to do it without storing and shuffling all positions. Now, I only need to draw a centered filled circle, so there might be a prime number for it, and even if the prime only does it for a given amount of points, I could switch to other primes until the circle is filled, and get an optimal and compressed single-visit scattering algo.
You may have mathed over my head, but I’m not seeing how it avoids playing already-played songs when the list is expanded.
Say I have a 20 song list, and after listening to 15 I add five more. How does this approach only play the remaining 10 songs (5 that were remaining plus 5 new)?
> Say I have a 20 song list, and after listening to 15 I add five more. How does this approach only play the remaining 10 songs (5 that were remaining plus 5 new)?
It doesn't. If you add 5 more songs, then the algorithm as presented will just treat it as if you're starting a new shuffle.
If you genuinely need to keep track of all the songs you've already played and/or the songs that you have yet to play, then I'm not sure you can do much better than keeping a list of the desired play order, randomized via Fisher-Yates shuffle each time you want a new shuffled ordering -- new songs can be appended to said list and shuffled in with the as-yet-unplayed songs.
One way to do it without retaining additional state would be to generate the initial shuffle for N > current song list. If the new songs' indices come up, they get played. You skip any indices that don't correspond to a valid song when it's time to play them.
This has some obvious downsides (e.g. an empty slot that was skipped when played and filled by a later insert won't be played), but it handles both insertion and deletions without replaying songs and you only need to store a single integer.
Eh, it depends what you mean by "works". If you mean that if you add new songs in the middle of playback, it doesn't guarantee that every song is played exactly once before any are repeated, sure, but you can't really do that unless you're actually tracking all of the songs.
Many approaches that guarantee that property have pathological behavior if, say, you add a new song to your library after each song that you've played.
I’d suggest the general solution: the machine can keep a list of the songs it has played, and bump the oldest entries off the list. The list length can be user configurable, 0 handles your truly random friend, 1 would be enough to just avoid immediate repeats, or it could be set to the size of the library. 100 could, I think, give you enough time to not notice any repeats I think, right?
I'm comfortable with "random play" meaning we're going to pick at random each time but I'm not OK with the idea that's "shuffle" shuffle means there were a list of things and we shuffled it. Rolling a D20 is random but it's not shuffling. Games with a random element deliberately (if they're well designed) choose whether to have this independence or not in their design.
A shuffle is type of permutation. There is room to disagree on the constraints on the type of permutations allowed and how they are made. Nevertheless, I 100% agree that sampling with replacement is not a shuffle.
While I agree with you, as soon as the semantics of “random” vs “shuffle” enter the conversation, lay people are lost.
To me “shuffle” is a good metaphor because a shuffled deck of cards works a specific way (you’d be very surprised to draw the same card twice in a row!)
But these things are implemented by programmers who sometimes start with implementation (“random”) and work back to user experience. And, for a specific type of technical person, “with replacement” is exactly what they’d expect.
If you let programmers do randomness you're in a world of pain.
On the whole programmers given a source of random bytes and told to pick any of 227 songs at random using this data will take one byte, compute byte % 227 and then be astonished that now 29 of the songs are twice as likely as the others to be chosen†.
In a class of fifty my guess is you're lucky if one person asks whether the random bytes are cheap (and so they should just throw away any that aren't < 227) showing they know what "random" means and all the rest will at least attempt that naive solution even if some of them try it out and realise it's not good enough.
† As a bonus in some languages expect some solutions to never pick the first song, or never pick the last song.
My favorite example of RNG misuse resulting in sampling bias is the general approach that looks like `arr.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5)`.
> you're lucky if one person asks whether the random bytes are cheap (and so they should just throw away any that aren't < 227)
If you can't deal with the 10% overhead from rejection sampling (assuming your random bytes are uniform), I guess you could try mushing that entropy back into the rest of your bytestream, but yuck.
Wow, that's an abusive ordering function. Presumably this is a thing people might write in... Javascript? And I'm guessing Javascript has to put up with them doing this and they get a coherent result, maybe it's even shuffled, because eh, it worked in one browser so we're stuck with it.
In Rust this abuse would either "work" or panic telling you that er, that's not a coherent ordering so you need to stop doing that. Not certain whether the panic can only arise in debug builds (or whether it would detect this particular abuse, it's not specified whether you will panic only that you might if you don't provide a coherent ordering).
In C++ this is Undefined Behaviour and there's a fair chance you just introduced an RCE vulnerability into your codebase.
You must track the permutation you're stepping through.
E.g. you have 4 items. You shuffle them to get a random permutation:
4 2 1 3
Note: these are not indices, but identifiers. Let's say you go through the first two items:
4 2 <you're here> 1 3
And two new items arrive. You insert each item into a random position among the remaining items. E.g:
4 2 <you're here> 5 1 6 3
If items are to be deleted, there are two cases: either they have already been visited, in which case there's nothing to do, or they're in the remaining list, in which case you have to delete them from there.
I'm really enjoying the discussion on how shuffle means different things to different people (I personally prefer random, but implementing `shuffle` specifically sounds fun with all of this)
> You insert each item into a random position among the remaining items
Thinking about shuffle + adding, I would have thought "even if it's added to a past position", e.g.
`5 4 6 21 3` as valid.
What do folks expect out of shuffle when it reaches the end? A new shuffle, or repeat with the same permutation?
I think all of this depends on the UI presentation, but when “shuffle” is used, I think a good starting point is “what would a person expect from a deck of cards”, since that’s where the metaphor started.
I don’t think that provides a totally clear answer to “what happens at the end”, but for me it’d lean me towards “a new shuffle”, because for me most of the time a shuffled deck of cards draws its last card, the deck will be shuffled again before drawing new cards.
I haven't used it in a while (now using streaming...), But Musicolet (https://krosbits.in/musicolet/) should be able to do this. Offline-only and lightweight.
I'd love to hear more about this. What was the other one you found? I wrote Tiny Player for iOS and another one for Mac and as more of an "album listener" myself I always struggled to keep the shuffle functionality up to other peoples expectations.
That is Lark Player, but it has so many ads that I recently uninstalled and kept trying the recommendations in this thread. Foobar2000 uses a system modal to let you add folders but the SD card is locked by the system on that modal even after enabling permissions, other apps can access it without issues. Samsung music player can only add up to 1000 songs per playlist and there is no easy way to split my library. And I just found Musicolet that uses playlist and doesn't crash when adding my library, but it would be perfect if it could show the randomized order of the playlist, so it just jumps on random songs, it would be cool to know what's next and before. Winamp (WACUP) on desktop does this perfectly.
https://github.com/vanilla-music/vanilla >Note: As of 23. Jun 2024, Vanilla Music is no longer available in the Google Play store: I simply don't have time to comply with random policy changes and verification requests. Any release you see there is probably an ad-infested fork uploaded by someone else.
Mediamonkey allows me to just go to tracks and hit shuffle and then it randomly adds all my tracks to a queue with no repeats. You can do it at any level of hierarchy, allmusic, playlist, album, artist, genre etc.
Edit: I checked I can also shuffle a folder without adding it to the library.
Tried it, but seems to use the system's modal to add folders, that blocks the SD card folder due to "privacy reasons", even after giving the app permission to access all files.
Well, this one is on google. "Full filesystem access" is restricted to specific classes of apps like file managers, and replacement api is very shitty (have lots of restrictions, slower by orders of magnitude)