The whole problem is that wisdom is controlled by greed.
But what if, in the future, the brains of current world leaders are examined and they find the cause of their actions is saturation of microplastics? So destroying the planet wasn't their fault, but just like lead and the Romans, they got crazy from pollution itself?
Greed is a great motivator for many. Some want peace of mind. Some simply want 'more'.
The key mindset is "I'll go make me some more money, and someone else will fix the symptoms later - and hey I'm doing you all a favor because fixing the thing will also generate money for you!!"
> Trump will at least temporarily have more power over federal operations. That’s because in shutdowns, presidents enjoy wide discretion on exactly what to close, furloughing employees, and what to keep open, making workers perform their duties without pay.
Craigslist always seemed to me like the Dark Web, with all kind of people doing shady business, and this case is an amusing example:
> a bank robber successfully used a Craigslist help-wanted ad for construction workers, specifying their uniform, to create unwitting decoys around the bank he robbed in matching uniform. His "getaway car" was an inner tube.
Mm, I agree, I shared the FoxNews article with his direct quote thinking it would have less 'spin' and prevent this from being banned/flagged in the first few minutes but it was still flagged within 10 minutes.
I thought writing a Hello World in C++ was easy, until I had to make one that is transmitted by 2 synchronized I2C masters sharing nothing else but a 7 bit I2C slave memory. All I found about multimaster I2C is that it isn't possible or even practical, well.. Hello multimaster-multislave I2C!
But what if, in the future, the brains of current world leaders are examined and they find the cause of their actions is saturation of microplastics? So destroying the planet wasn't their fault, but just like lead and the Romans, they got crazy from pollution itself?