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Hard disagree. As another reply mentions, just compare the alternatives such as Kagi that aren’t breaking search by pursuing ad growth.

Kagi isn't amazing, it's just not bad and it really makes plain how badly Google has degraded into an ad engine. All it takes to beat Google is giving okay quality search results.

Yeah. Very glad Meta is doing what they’re doing here, but the tiger’s not magically changing its stripes. Take care as it might next decide to eat your face.

“like our ancestors did: multiple redundant calendar alerts”

Love that line

"holding it wrong" OMG ;-)

I have this question too

In season 2 of Tokyo Vice, they show character Jake, a reporter for newspaper Meicho Shimbun, using a native Japanese “word” processor to type in his stories. Really fascinating and seems to be authentic.

I remember being absolutely fascinated by the ability of 1980s/early 1990s Japanese laptops to manage input with a standard keyboard. Especially given the computing resources of the time, it seemed like serious dark magic.

The first time I watched battle royal I thought the hacking scene was film magic, because no way could the computer just change letters into Japanese characters like that.

Unlike Jake (Adelstein) himself, who whenever I've read any of his stories has obviously made it up. Especially the ones where he claims to know everyone in the yakuza.

Agree 100%

Thanks for posting — I’ve been wanting an outside perspective on Graeber since I read and loved the Dawn of Everything.

The review references a NY Mag profile that I also found to be good Graeber background. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/11/david-graeber-dawn-o...

I've been scripting GPT-4 Vision to extract structured recipe data from handwritten recipe cards, with very good success. Can't speak to the German language aspect.

(Edited to clarify more than just transcribing)

This 100x

Trees don't fall over the first day after a parasite infection you two, good grief.

Things take time in the real world, emotional blithering about capitalism notwithtanding.

> Trees don't fall over the first day after a parasite infection

Precisely. It depends on a number of factors, including the strength of the tree and of the infection. In other words, these companies are getting stronger and more ingrained all the time, and the longer that goes on the harder it will be to do anything about it.

> Things take time in the real world

Yes, let’s all keep waiting a few more decades without doing anything or criticising the system. That’ll teach them and fix the problem, it’s been working really well so far. All that self-correcting is coming any day now, I can already feel the billionaires shaking in their gold-plated astronaut boots. Maybe the Invisible Hand of the markets will steal the olive from their cocktail.

We perhaps are proceeding from different priors. "Is" vs "ought", I'd hazard.

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