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Double seems more like a feature than a product. I feel like Copilot could easily implement those value-adds and obsolete this product.

I also don't understand why I can't bring my own API tokens. I have API keys for OpenAI, Anthropic, and even local LLMs. I guess the "secret" is in the prompting that is being done on the user's behalf.

I appreciate the work that went into this, I just think it's not for me.

Hey, sure, let's destroy the Earth and its inhabitants with zero regard for anything! As long as we get to take vacations to the moon! Right?

This is preventable, and should be prevented. I don't care if it's Elon Musk or anyone else. Engineers should not be reckless in their endeavors.

Nope. Greed.

It costs way more to build out physical ergonomic interior controls when they are permanent fixtures for several model years and any changes require new physical elements to be created and fit (and designed for mass production).

Software can be updated over the air, so there's less pressure on engineers to get it perfect.

The solution is not to point fingers and guess, but instead measure and revise. Study the amount of time drivers' eyes are off the road for routine tasks, develop acceptable limits and enforce them.

Software engineers of any ilk are just as capable of following sensible guidelines if everyone else in the company is obliged to as well.

This gets into hairy territory of derivative works. I think this will be an uphill battle for content creators until laws are updated for the new state of the art.

Prior to the unfettered access to generative AI, derivative works took time and effort comparable to the original. Now, derivatives can be created en masse and in seconds.

Where's the line? What's fair use now? These questions will likely be answered in a court or by legislative bodies.

In the meantime, protect your images, paywall high res versions, watermark thumbnails, etc. Also, if you're going up against a company? Lawyer up.

Amprius has 400+Wh/kg that are commercially available. I'm sure they ain't cheap, but the tech exists.


Edit: well, I'm a dummy and OP said mass-produced. Sorry.

Cool! I like the monochrome gradient variant!

I like colors ... except when I don't and I've found black and white to be helpful for concentration!

So my vim theme has 2 modes: color and monochrome (based on bold/underline/italics)

Fun exploration and exceptionally impractical. Love it.

The parent commenter said this:

> People [..] freak out about this because [..] in 99.9% of companies, running code on an engineer's workstation would immediately be the highest possible level of breach.

So it's not selection bias, it's a counterargument. The poster also said engineer not "VP-level".

So, your comment is not really relevant.

It's 100% relevant because there are even MORE valuable than me in my company. I was pointing out the importance of people to an attacker is directly proportional to their access, not their rank. If they got into one of our RCM people, we'd be royally screwed, and they make $30/hr.

I've never had Windows Defender use a noticable amount of CPU. It is, by far, the least intrusive antivirus/anti-malware that I've used (and I've used them all).

Unfortunately, I can only provide my anecdotal experience, but it seems to be in stark contrast to your comment.

Then you are in luck. Also rise up and stop with that anecdotal circle jerk.

The refactored version is doing what pipes would do in a language that doesn't support pipes; it's reordering the statements into execution order rather than having to use a mental "stack" to grok the original version.

Given that the OP stated that they like the pipe syntax, and the refactored version illustrates the hoops you'd have to jump through without it, I guess your comment is just a strange way to agree with the OP?

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