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You might be from Slovenia then. I occasionally pass by the Slovenian reddit and sometimes see stories about interesting computers and designs from Yugoslavia times.

I hope to spend a month on a vacation in Slovenia this summer and visit the Računalniški muzej in Ljubljana. There's a retro computer museum in Rijeka, Croatia as well, which I unfortunately missed last year.

I'm a Bulgarian and I find Slovio a bit easier/faster to read, compared to Interslavic, while both seem to me equally understandable. Nevertheless it's amusing there is more than one such project and the results are quite satisfying!

I've tried cocaine and it would make me feel like the "best" or perhaps much better version of me. Improved, but subjectively not overinflated self-confidence, sharper thoughts, better concentration, high energy and motivation, easier connection to people, without apparent intoxication or affected judgement.

I would agree with you that it makes me feel normal in the sense that's what it seems I should have been. The first time I tried it, I was like "so when I'm gonna feel the effect?" for a few seconds and then I realized I feel it and thought "That's the way it [life] 's meant to be played" :D

That's exactly how I feel when I take my Adderall. Or at least how I do after a break. I also have ADHD so that probably means you've got it to.

I do believe posting stuff behind a paywall should not be allowed. At least provide a paywall-free URL. Requiring registration to read is quite similar.

If there's a workaround, it's ok. Users usually post workarounds in the thread.

This is in the FAQ at https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html and there's more explanation here:



I agree, but, until then, this has worked great for me:


Disabling JS and cookies seems to work.

This might also work:


I couldn't come up with any primes, nor I'm any good with numbers, so I started with the prime from the game example:


Than I already had one digit guessed and simply clicked the unused numbers from the virtual numpad below and got to having all digits with just two being in the wrong place:


Now this was easy to figure out.

Got the following score: 20 3/6

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