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That someone can buy new DJI drones in europe is right, but only the latest releases. You cannot use any of the drones you might have purchased over the last years anymore in europe because of the new regulations.

I don't think that's true. You just need some new firmware or something, no?

Thanks for pointing out the challenges with gaussian splattings. Are there any AI based relighting methods out there? Some prompt based editing like nerf2nerf or Language-embedded NerFs maybe?

I used to work for a company where playing The Curse of Monkey Island was part of the recruitment test.

In regards of contentproduction for virtual production, it is quicker to capture a scene and process the images into a cloud of 3d-gaussians, but on the other hand it is harder to edit the scene after its shot. Also, the light is already captured and baked into it. The tools to edit scenes will probably rely a lot on ai, like delighting and change of settings. right now there are just a few, the process is more like using knife to cut out parts and remove floaters. You can replay this of course with the unreal engine, but in the long term you could run it in a browser. So in short, if you want to capture a place as it is with all its tiny details, 3dgaussians are a quicker and cheaper way to afford this than using modelling and texturing.

Really advanced approach to render larger scenes with 3DGaussians, cant wait to test the code :-)

As it seems the first 3DGS which uses Lods and blocks, there might be place for optimization. This might become useful for use cases in Virtual Production, probably not for mobiles.

If AI features on mobiles get that important, like websearch was for the internet. Why should i buy an apple product if it uses the same assistant (or worse, as it runs native in the android world?)

edit typo

Better integration? nicer or more powerful device? som exclusive apps or servcies? Same as today... Android phones do most of the same things an iPhone does but people who choose iPhone have their reasons to do so.

Exiting, now i would really like to see a Letsplay of no mans sky played by the ai. Would also be neat if it could reveal at the same time what goals and stategies it is trying to follow.

As per the article, the AI is following basic instructions and performing one off actions, not carrying out strategies/following goals. They mention that is future research.

Essentially, converting prompts and images into inputs for a short task.

Or, uhm, how to play it at all. Maybe I'm just really bad at this game, but I always end up dying to lack of oxygen within the first hour.

You are supposed to deconstruct certain plants to get their oxygen. You have to do it a lot in the early game and that's kind of annoying.

Every now and then when they patch the game they also include an expedition where you do a little storyline with a buffed character. Wish they were permanant but if you keep an eye out they are a good way to kill a weekend.

I'm not that great and the only way I died in NMS was playing with the Plasma launcher, turns out you can blow yourself up. Early game, hit C (I think) a lot to find O2 plants, Sodium, etc. Game runs amazing even on my 8 year old laptop which has an nvidia GPU.

When I played it some three years back, one needed to find usually some oxygen plants and caves for oxygen refills. I bet core play still remains the same. It really isn’t that hard tbh.

There just aren't enough of the plants, though. I run around as fast as I can, and I still run out.

running wears out your life support faster, same with jetpacking, that may be why you're running out. sometimes the rng is just not in your favour, though, so you may need to make a new save just to wind up on a different planet, but i've never had to do this more than once, imo it was worse closer to launch when you were dependent on plutonium for launch fuel

That... makes sense, but I really wish the game would have warned about it.

By default I just run everywhere, in basically every game. I think a lot of gamers do.

the game is poorly designed so no surprises there

really nice, i played it much longer than i originally wanted to :-)

yes me too lol

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