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Isn't the point (and I could be wrong) with a Dyson sphere that it should have a spectrum that approaches that of a perfect blackbody radiator? Or would any radiation that sneaks past the swarm drown out the blackbody spectrum?

> Isn't the point (and I could be wrong) with a Dyson sphere that it should have a spectrum that approaches that of a perfect blackbody radiator?

Pretty much. The lower the temperature of that blackbody radiator, the higher energy you can extract via temperature difference. Until you reach the background radiation of the universe, which could be considered the lowest possible temperature of a thing that still extracts energy.

> Or would any radiation that sneaks past the swarm drown out the blackbody spectrum?

If that's the case, you can improve your sphere and capture that extra energy.

Very true. Self-confidence and grit are immensely important in overcoming or even just rationalizing the obstacles of life, doing so in an almost logical way without letting a person's self-defeating emotions or perceived shortcomings get in the way. It's such a huge divider and it singularly is based on what kind of adult(s) that person had in their life when they were young.

This is 100% accurate.

In the wise words of the late child psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner, Professor Emeritus of Human Development and Psychology at Cornell:

In order to develop – intellectually emotionally, socially and morally – a child requires participation in progressively more complex reciprocal activity on a regular basis over an extended period in the child's life, with one or more persons with whom the child develops a strong, mutual, irrational, emotional attachment and who is committed to the child's well-being and development, preferably for life. (Bronfenbrenner, 1991, p. 2)

Or paraphrased by him:

“Every child needs at least one adult who is irrationally crazy about him or her.”

My wife is a Radiologist and uses voice transcription literally ALL DAY LONG as she reads imaging and transcribes her findings. Powerscribe from Nuance in case your curious

I went to high school with Blake and I completely can see him acting in bad faith. One of the guys in our physics class got so tired of Blake's nonsense that he tried to kick him in the head several times before class. I'm not condoning that type of behavior but I could see why that happened.

I roughly remember this incident.

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