The "better" journals are listed in JCR. Nearly 40% of them have impact factor less than 1, it means that on average papers in them are cited less than 1 times.
Conclusion: even in better journals, the average paper is rarely cited at all, which means that definitely the public has rarely heard of it or found it useful.
The only solution to this is that state authorities learn how this is a systemic problam and start to reject email addresses from operators like Gmail for all their services (and all email operators that do not have a real support and where one's identity is not actively checked and can not be proven and taked back via a real support line).
One should mention the most comprehensive web-site that includes all the info you will ever need about Vangelis and his work - Elsewhere -
I applaude the web-site authors and maintainers for their work over the years.
Antarctica ( is a fantastic dreamy movie. It is a nature movie, somewhere in-between a feature film and documentary, about dogs that are left to survive alone during the winter on the Antarctica. Whats intriguing is that it is a story told from their perspective - nearly no dialogue, just visuals and music. The movie is slow, so you need to be in the mood for that and kind of psychedelic, so I highly recommend watching it just before dawn on a projector and a proper surround system (borrow one or visit a friend if you don't have your own, it's worthy).