Yeah, like everything else the moved to selling it as a separate (overpriced) dongle. This wasn't that bad, but now that they've removed the ethernet connectors also, you need both dongles connected in series, and you need to remove the Zerk-RJ45 adapter every time you plug the Ethernet cable, and it still doesn't help with your TLS connections over Wifi! I'm probably not the first to say it, but Apple's "Pro" line is clearly no longer aimed at professionals.
Why would closed source software be safe? Say I copy shared-mime-info completely, compile it, sell it to you as MimeWizardPRO2000, you include it as part of your closed source web framework and sell that. You're still distributing GPL code without making your source available.
But none of that matters. You have x number of people, you need y number of tests. Just because it's harder to do doesn't mean you need to do it any less.
Yes it does, it’s proportionally more difficult. If you want a country of 300M to have as many tests per capita as a country of 30M, you need _ten times as many tests_.