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I created a version of my own: http://jawadonweb.com/projects/pi


I like it. What are you using to send the email? Simple HTML functions or perhaps something more sophisticated, like phpList?

interesting, i didn't know about phpList-- perhaps i'll use is somehow in the next release. at the moment i'm using simple PHP to send out the emails.

I like that idea. It could also be words of wisdom or something in between. The framework is already there and I don't mind giving anyone this code. All that needs to be changed are the quotes and the domain name.

post it on github. i can see this being quite the fun distraction for many people.

I sent you an email =)

Chess Go RISK

For Canada: Waterloo University

TS accepted startup teams before YC announced who's been accepted to the interviews. I, for one, received a phone interview from TS by April 1st.

If the emails are automated, they might end up in the junk mail. Yahoo and Hotmail, in particular, have the tendency to do that.

Anyway, about one hour is left before it hits 10th in Mountain View. Good luck everyone!

Why do all the good things happen only at Stanford? Hopefully someone will make a bootleg video of this and spread the wisdom through torrents.

Don't worry, I'm planning to podcast it and post it here sometime that night ;)

As one of the collaborative projects on my social network, we asked that people code a spelling check script in PHP. One member, who had zero previous knowledge of PHP took up the challenge. After investing a few hours into it, he came up with the following:


You're welcome to download the source code. One major issue with the code is that it loses efficiency when the dictionary size is increased from 1,000 to 20,000 words.

Memcache your dictionary if you can. Or dump it into a MySQL heap table. That will speed it up a lot.

Seriously, though, looping through the dictionary is really a bad solution. Maybe reading the dictionary into an associative array and matching on index or something like that would be a better idea for speed. Loop through words in the post instead of words in the dictionary.

The major limitation here is that it requires a word to be in the dictionary to be considered correct. Non-optimal. No pluralization handling (other than brute forcing by adding to the dictionary), no possessive case (as was noted in the code), and no new-line handling (hint: simply strip all newlines from input, replace with a space, and be done with it. Check for hypens before a new-line to detect continued words; though, that is unlikely in a web post. Just don't use the output directly into a post. Maintain a control copy.)

Also, I can't download the source directly (file not found). I had to edit the URL to make it work. You need to fix the link by removing the second instance of shuzak.com.

"..Even when you find genuinely good things to copy, there's another pitfall to be avoided. Be careful to copy what makes them good, rather than their flaws. It's easy to be drawn into imitating flaws, because they're easier to see, and of course easier to copy too. For example, most painters in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries used brownish colors. They were imitating the great painters of the Renaissance, whose paintings by that time were brown with dirt. Those paintings have since been cleaned, revealing brilliant colors; their imitators are of course still brown." - Copy What You Like, by Paul Graham

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