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Yeah, by pointing out society demands too much socialization, juicing our biochemistry into addiction, and making us feel depressed when we’re alone.

All hands on deck meant more when it actually required all hands to build a church or barn.

We can’t use history to understand how to relate to the world anymore. People were often wrong more than right and far less civil. All those people socializing in the past were forced to under threat of violent burning at the stake or being sold into slavery.

Just LARPing historical patterns without contextualization is insane

Crime rates have trended down decades.

“Cascading lawlessness” is melodramatic moral panic

They’re aware earlier in life than any prior generation ever that the economy of real stuff works on physical statistics and not the memes, contrived rhetoric of history propagated by word of mouth?

Since the 2000s the decline in religious convictions has removed an obligation to a shared “big picture” sense of agency. Cut us open, no words, just mush and goo being crackled at by field effects. Thousands of years of communal “buzz” in our biology, absence of old routines no longer exists for the younger generations whose parents bailed in the late 90s-00s

The only shared purpose is ameliorate each other’s economic anxiety by making sure there’s enough food and TP on shelves.

The dumb rhetorical games are pointless given modern science. Debate the minutiae all you want about what it means big picture but ground truth is enough food, shelter, and healthcare, social life, is all most people want

Keep in mind “disconnection” here means “from social routines of the recent past.” The recent past was disconnected from its recent past, and so on. We don’t speak Latin anymore. The 1900s only exist as a hallucination for the people who experienced it.

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