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If this is your passion, keep at it, please! You need to make a living, but not everything needs to be a front-page success story either.

It doesn't sound crazy for those of us that have dealt with large firms, especially banking. The issue would be including an Apache license with the binary blob, when that is not the correct license.

I've dealt with extremely customized licenses for businesses (financial) that wanted software built for their use, but also to have the ability to resell the software that was built specifically for them. Not much surprises me anymore when it comes to expectations of legal departments. You just don't want to get into any kind of legal battle in the future over your software. I don't know anything about the size of your business, or who uses your software, but I do know that when it gets ugly and someone is looking for rights to software, you need to have things clearly laid out or you could end up devastated by a company that has funds to keep putting into legal fees that you may not.

I hope that this scenario never plays out, because I think releasing this is something that really adds value to the community that deals with databases. I just don't want to see someone trying to make a living get hurt by a licensing issue. Unfortunately, when it comes to high-end business, it's not so uncommon when things don't go the way your client wishes them to go. Best of luck to you!

While you're correct, there's generally a correlation with something that's not only existed for that long, but IN USE for that long. I think that's the bigger selling point. Maybe I only get this idea from going through all comments on HN, I see your comment is from 8 hours ago, and I don't know what comments existed at the time you commented. I apologize if you didn't have much context when making this comment.

Perhaps, but you've also resisted rewriting the entire application just to take advantage of the newest GUI frameworks. There's a lot to be said about an application that gets things done, and quickly, regardless of whether it was the initial intention or not. Congrats on the release!

I think another big part of deciding to use DRY is the complexity of what you're repeating. Copying and pasting lots of business rules means having to make complex edits whenever that logic needs to change. Having simple rules and a small amount of surface area for data reduces the initial need to have DRY code, and it's easier to take the initial risk of using duplicate code.

At least in my experience, it's easier to start with duplicates of simple logic/data, and use DRY for more complex logic/data. The difficult areas are still those where the logic and/or data fall between simple and complex, or are expected to change often, but unknown whether they will change together or diverge quickly.

On top of this, most emulators allow you to run the game at faster speeds than the original. I haven't encountered a game yet where I wanted to do this, but the fact that it's available just shows how far emulation has come (and the wizardry that is involved in emulating an entire computer system).

I definitely lucked out on my dad being in touch with the technology at the time. I was ready to get a TurboGrafx 16 just for Bonk's Adventure, and I definitely would have missed out over that purchase. The SNES was so popular, that I had many friends that were willing to trade games with me, so we were able to experience new games without the stiff price of having to purchase everything played. One of the things gaming companies made sure to kill off as things turned to fully digital.

I still want to play all of the Splatter House titles, though. I didn't find out about those until I was older, but I've watched plenty of walkthroughs of the various iterations, and it looks like the perfect amount of strategy, gore, and need for proper timing to master.

I'd say the Game Boy also won in terms of library of games, and the popular properties owned by Nintendo, such as Super Mario Bros., Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, among many others.

Yes but that was due to it's popularity, not the cause of it, there is quite a bit of network effect, but that only comes into play once you have the network.

The gameboy won because it was half the cost of any of it's competitors. while being more than half as good.

I feel the same way. It's interesting how someone new to something tackle issues compared to yourself that has been doing things a certain way for so long. I've definitely picked up new skills just by watching less experienced developers use their own way to handle issues, and I make sure to let them know when they've inspired or led to my own gain in knowledge. I think it's a positive feedback loop that strengthens a team.

This is exactly correct. The software should be adapted to the usage patterns of the users, not for developer ergonomics. If the two happen to align, that's great, but it's a rarity.

Yes, this, exactly.

Swizec recently wrote about "desire paths": https://swizec.com/blog/architecture-is-like-a-path-in-the-w...

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