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The features listed on the site already tell you what it has that regular shell history + fzf doesn't have. You can decide if that makes it better.

All that jumps out to me from that page is sync, which is nice, but not life-changing.

I guess I’m looking for more of a personal experience anecdote, where someone could explain how its other features made it worth signing up for another sync service and learning a new thing. It may be the best thing since sliced bread but that page doesn’t say why I should try it.

- all the data is stored in a sqlite db, so it's actually structured, as opposed to just being in an adhoc text format

- this matters because it's capturing not just what commands were run, but metadata about the commands as well. Of particular interest to me is that ot captures the start and end time for every history entry so you can get timing data even if you forget to use `time`

- it provides much more fine-grained control over what makes it into the database than shells provide for controlling what makes it into their built-in history. For example, it has built-in support for filtering out common kinds of secrets/tokens/etc.

It's also in active development with a friendly and helpful creator/project lead, an active community, and an ever growing feature set.

I'd recommend giving it a try; as far as I'm concerned, it's best-in-class for managing shell history

> Of particular interest to me is that ot captures the start and end time for every history entry so you can get timing data even if you forget to use `time`

That’s potentially an incredible useful feature to integrate with all that metadata! Very very interesting.

Fair point, I've been using atuin for a few years on a few machines but never once felt the need to set up sync. I forgot sync was even a feature! It's certainly over-emphasized on the web page.

I use it mainly because a) it stores data about command history in a proper database that's easy to query (what century is this? How do other tools justify dumping what should be structured information into some god-awful mess of semi-structured text files?) and b) it makes a clean separation between SESSION, DIRECTORY and GLOBAL scopes which means you can explicitly use a recency or a locality filter (I don't want irrelevant commands cluttering my history).

Even without sync, atuin is a gem.

For me, syncing across machines and other shell sessions was enough to justify shelling out the $0 and 5 minutes it took to install and learn the tool.

I just watched this video: https://youtu.be/WB7qojkkVVU?si=_sqnKlXrblLSwrs8 and there still seems to be nothing that stands out about atuin. I do think it might be easier to work with the data in a database. Personally I don't see a reason to use this service .

As I commented elsewhere, you can:

- Filter by commands run within the current shell session

- Filter by commands run within the current working directory

- Filter by commands run across hosts (as opposed to filtering commands run on your local machine)

- Filter by commands run within the current shell session

- All of the above searching functionality, with nice fuzzy finding support, time stamps, etc.

Before atuin I used zsh's builtin history, with ctrl+r rebound to present that builtin history through the `fzf` fuzzy finding tool, and zsh configured to share history across shells. The deficiencies I found: I couldn't optionally filter by commands _only_ run in the current shell, I couldn't filter by commands run in the current directory (useful for quickly finding commands I often need to re-run for a given project), and I can't search for commands run across hosts.

If you don't find yourself valuing these things, you may find that you have little to gain from using atuin.

I really enjoy these updates! Thanks for putting out the numbers.

On mobile, it works really well because all u have to do is tap to change the direction. They should just remove the arrow keys on web, as you said.

Or, better, make them function as is the norm for every other game.

If it's marketing content then it's not doing a very good job. I have known about the 12factor app principles for a long time, and only found out today that it has ties to Heroku.

Still, Heroku would look impressively good if you wanted to deploy a 12-factor app, won't it?

Not all marketing is that straightforward.


I use Wayland and haven't noticed any problems with mouse input in tmux while using the Kitty terminal.

Thanks for your answer :) !

I emailed a startup from a "Who's Hiring?" post 2 years ago to see if they would hire Canadians, since the job post was interesting to me. It was fairly early stage, and I ended up accepting their offer. They made a great effort to accommodate hiring outside the USA. Still with them 2 years later, and it's been a great experience so far.

Maybe SRE related spam?

I always find the lack of a tongue scraper in people's dental routine interesting. Growing up in India, I was taught how to use one at the same time I was taught how to brush my own teeth.

I bought a 4k projector recently to use for a home theatre which came with AndroidTV. I have a small collection of 4k movies and shows that I wanted to enjoy, but my PC was on a different floor from my projector. I had used Plex a long time ago, and looked for an open source alternative and found JellyFin. It took like 20 minutes to get set up and start watching my content on my projector. The JellyFin AndroidTV app auto-discovered the server running on my PC, and it also supports streaming HEVC encoded content natively, which the web browser client on Firefox and Chrome doesn't seem to yet [1]. When I streamed HEVC content in the web browser client, the server was transcoding it on the fly, which was nice but it was sending my PC to 100% CPU. The library organization features are probably not as good as Plex's, but they are good enough for me.

[1] https://jellyfin.org/docs/general/clients/codec-support/

FYI transcoding often borks HDR. Always try to direct play if possible.

Chrome actually added HEVC support a couple of weeks ago.

As did the latest version of Plex in its web player.

Most of them are by the same author, who created the litestream.io project and has since been hired by fly.io to continue working on the project.

Author here. I have had a few posts on HN but there's a lot of other authors doing great work as well. In the two weeks there's been several SQLite posts from other folks on the front page:

- SQLite has pretty limited builtin functions: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32557672

- Turning SQLite into a Distributed Database: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32539360

- SQLite is not a toy database: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32478907

- SQLite: Wal2 Mode Notes: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32435601

- SQLite-HTTP: A SQLite extension for making HTTP requests: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32417410

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