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<template> tags are so incredibly useful for keeping your JS clean when you're not able to have something more reactive around for some reason.

I've recently used that on an interview project I did (https://github.com/pretzelhands/ubiquitous-sniffle) and it surprisingly takes you quite far with very little effort.

The only major annoyance is really manually keeping track of the elements in the DOM and .innerText and .innerHTML-ing everything that needs a dynamic value. But it's manageable if you keep it confined.

This approach always seems so easy at first glance, but I find it gets rather unwieldy as soon as I need to update some deeply nested value- like updating a innerText in cell in a table in a card in a layout of a thousand cards without re-rendering the entire collection. I started using lit-html and it solves this problem (and only costs me 3KB or so to ship).

I've used this approach in my minimal MVC lib for over a decade, simply using hidden elements instead of templates


Is the demo site still supposed to be up? I see

> TypeError: path must be absolute or specify root to res.sendFile

when I try to visit it.

Seems like PHP does something reasonably right for once!

    $ php hello.php > /dev/full
    $ echo $?
It doesn't exactly print an error, but at least it returns something non-zero.

Which version are you using? Because mine gives a zero return code. I'm running 7.0.33.

I have landed on the TALL stack for building my homespun apps with minimum faffing around.

Especially with the components feature offered by Laravel’s Blade it usually takes a while before I really start reaching for JS.

It is interesting point that blade's component feature is inspired by Vue.

And boy oh boy do they try their best to keep the winter revenue alive. Everybody in Europe probably remembers the joy of Ischgl.

They took five days to decide to close right?

Not quite, smallpox vaccination was first enforced in 1939 (I know..) and then again post-WW2 in 1948. We do have a precendent!

As an Austrian I'd like to note: We've also previously had a vaccination mandate for smallpox. There's a precedent here, at least.

Whether you're for or against a vaccination mandate I leave up to debate. But either we get everyone vaccinated or everyone needs to actually follow proper COVID rules. The second option hasn't worked out great so far, as you might be able to tell.

This is simply an anti-science viewpoint that isn't supported by the facts at all. Previously infected are better protected than fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated kids are less at risk that fully vaccinated adults. Even vaccinated people can spread the virus.

Oh hey! I remember building my own app on top of tiptap last year and having a blast with it!

Glad to see that it got a polished new update! I’ll definitely have to look into it. Good job, guys!

Notebag is really cool! Let me know if you’d like to have a chat about the new version or need help upgrading it.

They're not the prettiest sight, yes, but I think anyone who isn't in some way a geek particularly cares about what's actually in URLs.

There's a reason why Apple got away with only showing the hostname of a URL: It doesn't matter to ordinary people. :)

Just for fun I checked where that position would be on world map. Turns out it's in the Atlantic, quite a bit off the east coast of the US.

I'm currently focused on dusting off my old blog and getting some new posts out.

I ended up accidentally building my own (somewhat cursed) static page generator in PHP. It's probably not super portable, but it does the job of taking some Markdown and Mustache files and putting together a site.

And since I was super minimalist about it, the site is really fast. So that makes me happy!


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