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If you can't free-hand a FLOTN then you should probably go back to school to learn basic geometry. They are as easy to sketch as HECTANBIEs for crying out loud!

I didn't have to click on the link to know what this would be. Love the D Generation and the Late Show.

Truly champagne comedy.

same here.

For someone who doesn't have an openai account, what can this do?

I'm in a similar boat. Thankfully you can often use an internet cache to view the contents (this doesn't help Reddit out, which would defeat the purpose of the protest).

I've done this for a few coding things that I needed an answer fast. It does show how much will be lost if things don't improve, but like you I didn't want to fuel Reddit in any way (assuming the sub is even open anyway).

Is this basically the accounts section of ERPNext? If not, what is the difference? I'm considering ERPNext for a small home business I'm starting up, but accounts are something I've never really delved into much beyond a few attempts at personal budget tracking in the past.

I'm in the early stages of starting a small home business and came across ERPNext which has what appears to be a pretty solid accounting section. Anyone else here used that?

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